The Limited Times

Wild stop slows ambulance, dead woman in Naples

10/8/2022, 4:33:44 PM

"A woman died this morning because of these wildly parked cars." (HANDLE)

"A woman died this morning because of these wildly parked cars."

This is what is announced on the Fb page 'Hands off Ippocrates', a Neapolitan organization in defense of health professionals that often reports aggression against doctors.

The fact, we read in the post, happened in Naples, uphill Pontecorvo.

    On the social network, a photo is posted that portrays an ambulance blocked by some parked cars.

"The machines were moved by hand by the rescuers - he explains - the crew arrives late on the target, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation maneuvers useless". 

"An ambulance is blocked by the wildly parked cars at Pontecorvo hill and a woman in cardiac arrest dies because the 118 crew manages to rescue her when it was too late. This is the terrible complaint of the Hands Off Hippocrates association which also underlined as to no avail the effort sustained by the rescuers who tried to move the cars by hand. A very serious episode that cannot fall into oblivion or be dismissed by chance. It is necessary to ascertain the precise responsibilities of those who, with their wicked behavior, have the rescue was hindered and whether the delay was decisive for the woman's death ".

This is the comment of the regional councilor of Europa Verde, Francesco Emilio Borrelli.