The Limited Times

Iran: state TV hacked, image of the Supreme Guide on fire

10/9/2022, 4:04:06 PM

A group that supports the protests in Iran sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini managed to hack a state television channel by broadcasting an image of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei surrounded by flames in the middle of the news. (HANDLE)

A group that supports the protests in Iran sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini managed to hack a state television channel by broadcasting an image of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei surrounded by flames in the middle of the news.

    "The blood of our young people drips from your fingers," read a message that appeared on the screen during last night's state TV news.

The message was accompanied by a manipulated photo of Khamenei with his body surrounded by flames and his head in a viewfinder.

"It's time to put away your furniture (...) and find another place for your family outside of Iran," read another message accompanying the photo.

    The cyber attack, which lasted a few seconds, was claimed by a group calling itself Edalat-e Ali (Ali's Justice) and which supports the protest movement, the largest in Iran after the protests against the increase in gasoline price in 2019.

    Several foreign-based Persian-language media shared a video showing the cyber attack.

At the end of the video, the news anchor is seen tense, with his eyes fixed on the camera.

In Iran, the Tasnim news agency confirmed that state television was "pirated for a while by anti-revolutionary agents".

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