The Limited Times

Read: 'Opposition also in the square if necessary'

10/9/2022, 7:39:56 PM

The secretary dem to 'Che tempo che fa' on Rai 3: 'M5s? Unitary opposition, appeal to all. First gesture of foreign policy Meloni with post-Francoists. New Democratic Party by winter, participate, nothing is decided '(ANSA)

 "We must be ready to do what the Italians have asked of us: to make the first opposition to this government in an intransigent and constructive way. To make an opposition both in Parliament and in the country, in the streets when necessary".

The secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, says this to 'Che tempo che fa' on Rai 3.

"The M5s has played an important role, we govern with them" in some regions such as Lazio, where the vote will return.

"I hope that we will make an opposition as united as possible, otherwise we will give the greatest gift to Giorgia Meloni and her government, which would have an advantage".

The secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta says this, making an appeal to this effect also to the other parliamentary opposition forces.

It will be "a battle legislature", he added, underlining that 'Meloni's first foreign policy gesture was to participate today in the event of the Spanish right, with the post Francoists of Vox.

I would have expected something more pro-European and unitary '.

"All those who want to build an alternative" participate in the constituent process of the new Democratic Party. "" It is a field in which nothing is decided and it will be exciting.

Come and participate and by winter ", or the end of February or early March," we will have a new Democratic Party.