The Limited Times

Stromboli: alert level raised to orange

10/9/2022, 6:03:55 PM

The Department of Civil Protection has ordered the change of alert for the Stromboli volcano from the yellow to orange level, "in the light of the assessments that emerged during today's meeting with the Competence Centers and the Department of Protection ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, OCTOBER 09 - The Civil Protection Department has ordered the change of alert for the Stromboli volcano from the yellow to orange level, "in the light of the assessments that emerged during today's meeting with the Competence Centers and the Civil Protection Department of the Sicilian Region" .

The raising of the alert determines the strengthening of the volcano monitoring system and the information agreement between the scientific community and the other components and operational structures of the National Civil Protection Service.

The Department explains that "a situation of potential disequilibrium of the volcano persists. Therefore, the population on the island is invited to keep themselves informed and to strictly follow the indications provided by the local civil protection authorities".


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