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The former NBA star was arrested after beating his 10-year-old son - voila! sport

10/11/2022, 2:42:24 PM

Two police officers handcuffed Ben Gordon at an airport in New York, his son was taken to the hospital for tests. In 2020, the former player revealed that he suffers from manic depression, and tried to commit suicide

The former NBA star was arrested after beating his 10-year-old son

Two police officers handcuffed Ben Gordon at an airport in New York, his son was taken to the hospital for tests.

In 2020, the former player revealed that he suffers from manic depression, and tried to commit suicide

Voila system!



Tuesday, October 11, 2022, 5:28 p.m. Updated: 5:32 p.m.

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Tiktukno: Summary of the day in sports, 11.10 (Sport1)

Ben Gordon was arrested last night (Monday) at an airport in New York, after allegedly beating his ten-year-old son.

According to TMZ, the former NBA star was handcuffed around 9pm US time while waiting to board a flight to Chicago, in a holdup that injured two police officers - it's still unclear how.

The boy's aunt took him to the hospital for tests.

This is not the first time that the former player, now 39 years old, has been in trouble with the law.

In 2017 he was arrested twice after hitting two different people, and in 2020 he revealed in a letter he published in the "Players Tribune" that he suffers from manic-depression, and even tried to commit suicide after leaving the NBA in 2015.

keeps getting involved.

Gordon (Photo: GettyImages, Jonathan Daniel)

"There was a point where I thought about killing myself every day for six whole weeks," he wrote.

"I would go up to the roof of the building I lived in at 4 in the morning, lean forward, look down and think to myself, 'I'm really going to do this. I'm going to run away from all this shit. I lost my career, identity and family more or less at the same time. Was totally depressed . I didn't eat, I didn't sleep, and when I say I didn't sleep, I mean serious insomnia. That's where the demons started coming out. You wake up in the middle of the night, everything is quiet outside, you're alone with your thoughts, and psychosis begins.

"At a certain point, anxiety attacks started. Every time they came, I felt like a black hole was coming and pulling me in. My soul was suffocated. I used to sit on the floor in the room and scream my soul out, like an animal, and at that point I no longer felt like I was alive. I felt like I had ascended to the next world. Totally real. I didn't understand what the hell was going on with me. I never saw a psychologist, so the only explanation I had for the situation was that God was punishing me. I thought I deserved to die. Hell, I became obsessed with my own death. That's all I cared about, all I thought about, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. One night I went up with a rope wrapped around my neck. I was going to do it, because I couldn't bear this suffering anymore. Luckily, I managed to sober up."

Gordon, who was one of the most outstanding scorers in the NBA in the first decade of the millennium and was named the sixth player of the season in 2005, went through four teams in the league: he reached his peak in Chicago, the team that selected him third in the 2004 draft, and then wandered between Detroit, Charlotte and Orlando, until he was released from the league in 2015.

In total, he made 744 appearances in the NBA and scored an average of 15 points per game.

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  • Ben Gordon

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