The Limited Times

"Prepare for the upcoming confrontation": This is the terrorist organization that threatens Israel Israel today

10/12/2022, 7:17:42 PM

Gaining popularity among young people on social networks, coming from various terrorist organizations and causing concern in the PA • Who is the terrorist organization behind the wave of shooting attacks in Judea and Samaria

If we needed a sign of the growing influence of the "Lion's Den" terrorist organization (Erin al-Assad) in the territories of Judea and Samaria, we got it today.

It was a widespread response in some Palestinian communities to the calls of the militiamen to hold a general strike as a sign of solidarity with the residents of the Shoafat refugee camp due to the "closure" imposed on it after the shooting attack in which the late crossing fighter Noa Lazar was killed.

The military activity of the Gov Aryot groups is indeed focused in the Nablus area, but initial buds for the expansion of support for the organization are beginning to appear in other places in the territories as well.

According to Palestinian sources, at this stage, it is not a question of forming squads and the appearance of terrorists following the model of "Erin al-Assad" in Nablus, but of moral support from afar and the expression of identification with the "rebellion" idea of ​​the members of the organization.

Clashes near Nablus.

The influence of the "Lion's Den" is expanding, photo: IPA

"There are many young people who connect to the action, and are attracted to the spirit and energy that Arin al-Assad brings with them," the Ramallah resident explained to Israel Hayom.

"Not everyone thinks deeply about how it will benefit them. It's like today we saw young people burning tires at the entrances to villages and blocking roads. They are looking for a 'fauda' - and it doesn't matter if it serves the purpose, if there is one at all." 

Handing out candy

The members of the organization try to maintain a popular image and mobilize the empathy of the Palestinian public.

On the Prophet Muhammad's birthday a few days ago, they went out on the roads and distributed candies and sweets to passers-by, in a gesture aimed at endearing them to the street.

They try to create the impression of "fighters who come from below", from among the people.

In contrast to activists from other terrorist organizations, which even the Palestinian public sometimes shy away from and the terror they sow, the terrorists of the Lions' Den want to show that they are not acting like the last thugs, and that they are here to bring order and protect the Palestinians. 

Disturbance in Nablus.

The terrorists are asking for support, photo: AFP

The terrorists of the organization have a prominent presence on social networks.

There they upload videos documenting the attacks they carry out against soldiers and civilians.

The videos became a hit mainly among young Palestinians who see them as role models.

Even those who previously did not think of joining terrorism now see that it is possible, and even easier to do than they thought.

Others watch the documentaries with great curiosity, and even if they do not intend to carry weapons or take an active part in terrorism, they express solidarity and support.

Among the Palestinians, opinions are divided.

Some believe that it is only a matter of time until more terrorist groups will emerge that will try to imitate the modus operandi of the Erin al-Assad militants.

In the past, a similar thing happened with other organizations such as the "Black Panther", which operated in northern Judea and Samaria during the first intifada and whose members were responsible for dozens of terrorist attacks against Israel, and the murder of Palestinians suspected of collaborating with it.

The activities of the organization, which was then born in the Jenin area, later spread to other areas in the territories after gradually gaining popularity.

Exploit a weakness

"Erin al-Assad are driving the atmosphere. They are taking advantage of the fact that the PA is weak and that the Palestinian public is fed up with it, and thus gain more sympathy. Even those who do not necessarily agree with everything that Erin al-Assad is doing say to themselves: here at last there may be a chance to get rid of the PA The corrupt Palestinian who does not care about the Palestinian people," said a Palestinian official.

Abu Mazen.

Maus on the public, photo: Reuters

On the other hand, there are those who believe that the lion's den phenomenon may disintegrate in the future if it does not take care to grow an organized leadership with a clear plan and agenda, while forming its own DNA.

The organization has terrorist members, some of whom are supported by various Palestinian organizations, including Fatah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, or are identified with them, while others do not consider themselves associated with any organization.

"If the organization continues to operate in such a way that its operatives do not have a single identity and loyalty, there may be a problem in the future and the fights and disputes between those who come from Fatah and those who support the path of Hamas or Jihad will begin.

It is difficult for us to unite and there are always divisions.

Every organization has different thinking and ways of acting, and everyone ultimately wants to be in control," said the source.

In the lion's den they claimed yesterday that they do not belong to any Palestinian organization.

The clarification follows claims heard in Israel, according to which the organization acts with the encouragement of Hamas and is supported by it.

The leadership of the Palestinian Authority is very disturbed by the presence and growing power of the "Lion's Den".

The other day they rejected the PA's offer to lay down their weapons and integrate into the Palestinian security mechanisms.

They also denied reports in Nablus that some of the organization's members had turned themselves in to the Palestinian Authority, saying that these were malicious rumors.

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