The Limited Times

"We are under terrorist attacks": Hundreds of Palestinians rioted near the Ash Kodesh settlement Israel today

10/12/2022, 8:23:36 PM

In about two weeks, the settlement's fields were set on fire by Palestinian rioters five times • Rioters set the fields on fire with burning tires, and when the residents of Ash Kodesh went out to put out the fire, they threw stones at them • In the settlement it is said: "The residents defended the settlement with their bodies while being attacked with stones by an enraged Arab mob"

The whole of Judea and Samaria is under attack, and incidents of throwing stones and Molotov cocktails have become part of the routine reality of life in recent weeks, but it seems that even in such a routine there are significant events, with particularly explosive potential, that take place under the radar.

Arab rioters arrived this evening (Wednesday) on the outskirts of the settlement of Ash Kodesh, near the settlement of Shiloh, and set fire to fields with burning tires.

The Israeli residents claim that despite their calls for the army to arrive at the scene, it took the forces a long time to arrive, and the residents had to fight the flames and repel the rioters.

This, the residents say, is the fifth arson in the last two weeks, which includes throwing stones by hundreds of rioters.

Heavy damage was caused to the property.

During the extinguishing attempts, they say, the residents were attacked by hundreds of rioters.

The security forces, who arrived a long time ago, finally succeeded in pushing the rioters, together with residents, from the area of ​​the settlement.

"As in all the settlements in Yosh and the mixed cities, we too have been under terrorist attacks, arson attempts and shootings for a long time," they said in the Ash Kodesh settlement.

"Tonight, for the fifth time in the last two weeks, Arab rioters tried again to set the settlement on fire. The residents called the army forces and at the same time rushed to put out the fire and protect the settlement and the residents with their bodies while being attacked with stones by an enraged Arab mob. We hope that the army will respond firmly and quickly return the The security for the residents of the Yishuv and for all the residents of Yosh".

It seems that the tension between the Israelis and the Palestinians, which was relatively under control for a long time, is building up to the point of an explosion.

At the same time as the clashes in the Holy Fire, the "Yesh Din" organization published this evening a document of a chicken coop that was burned near Nablus.

According to the organization's investigators, Arab residents of the area, eyewitnesses saw Israelis setting the chicken coop on fire.

Hundreds of chickens were killed in the fire that broke out.

This incident joins a number of other incidents allegedly perpetrated by Israelis, including a vehicle containing a Palestinian family that was allegedly attacked at the Shiloh intersection, a Palestinian vehicle that was attacked at the Shiloh intersection, houses that were allegedly vandalized by dozens of settlers in the village of Singil, and more.

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