The Limited Times

Alondra Ocampo, accomplice of the leader of La Luz del Mundo, is sentenced to four years in prison

10/12/2022, 6:59:29 PM

Who was considered one of the main allies (and also one of the first victims) of Naasón Joaquín García to sexually abuse minors, will soon be released under a cooperation agreement with the authorities.

Alondra Ocampo, who pleaded guilty to having been one of the accomplices in the sexual abuse of at least three minors by Naasón Joaquín García, leader of the La Luz del Mundo church, was sentenced Wednesday to four years in prison. .

Judge Ronald S. Cohen of the Superior Court of Los Angeles ruled in favor of taking into account for his sentence the three years and four months that he has remained in prison, since his arrest in 2019,

for which his prompt release is expected. release.

Alondra Ocampo in Los Angeles County Superior Court, on June 21, 2019. Damian Dovarganes / AP

His lawyers had asked Cohen for a reduced sentence for Ocampo, 39, for his extensive collaboration with the California District Attorney, with whom he reached an agreement to plead guilty in 2020.

Ocampo was arrested on June 3, 2019 at Los Angeles International Airport along with Garcia and her other accomplice, 27-year-old Susana Medina Oaxaca, who pleaded guilty earlier this year and received a one-year sentence of probation.

Garcia was sentenced in June to 16 years and 8 months in prison, charged after pleading guilty to forcing two minors to perform oral sex on him and a lewd act with a 15-year-old minor, according to court records.

Prosecutor Rob Bonta had assured that "conviction can never undo the damage done to the victims, but it will help protect future generations."

However, victims of the self-proclaimed

Apostle of Jesus Christ

have criticized the reduced sentences that Oaxaca and García received under their cooperation agreements with the authorities, which deprived them of facing their attacker in a trial.

Naasón Joaquín and La Luz del Mundo will be sued civilly for their sexual abuse


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"This man has to face the consequences for his actions," one of the victims, who remained anonymous, complained before the reading of the sentence in June. 

“They had assured me that there would be no negotiation or agreements and that is the only reason why I agreed to speak”

, she added, 

“they deceived us”.

“Now the truth is finally out.

I truly believed he was God,” she said, “he used my trust and he used my innocence.

He made me his property, I was his property.”

Garcia has been the subject of a new civil lawsuit before the Los Angeles Superior Court by five plaintiffs, including the three women who won the criminal lawsuit against him.

“The civil case is an opportunity for the victims to have their own representation and for those abusers to be held accountable for the damage they caused them,” their legal representative, Jonati Yedidsion, said during an interview with Noticias Telemundo in September.