The Limited Times

Ambassador Sabbagh: The hostile approach of Western countries towards the Ukrainian crisis is evidence of their efforts to stoke war and fuel Nazism

10/12/2022, 6:23:16 PM

New York, SANA- The Permanent Representative of Syria to the United Nations, Ambassador Bassam Sabbagh, affirmed that the hostile and provocative approach

New York-Sana

Syria's permanent representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Bassam Sabbagh, affirmed that the continued hostile and provocative approach of some Western countries towards the Ukrainian crisis is clear evidence of these countries' efforts to fuel the war and fuel neo-Nazi tendency in Ukraine, noting that the draft resolution presented by these countries before the General Assembly , more hostile towards Russia, and came after its failure to pass it in the Security Council.

In Syria's statement today, during the resumption of the emergency session of the General Assembly on the situation in Ukraine, Sabbagh said: The forum of the United Nations General Assembly is witnessing blatant exploitation by some Western countries to serve their geopolitical interests, which push to deepen the state of polarization among the member states of the United Nations. Those countries to request the resumption of this emergency special session, and to submit a draft resolution before the General Assembly, which is more hostile towards Russia, after its failure to pass it in the Security Council.

Sabbagh pointed out that the proposed draft resolution, which member states did not have the opportunity to study or make any amendments to, or allow for consultations with their capitals, is clear evidence that these countries have no interest other than passing hostile political positions to Russia, by painting a wrong and dimensional image. One of what is going on.

Sabbagh expressed Syria's condemnation of the coordinated campaign launched by Western countries and their media arms against Russia, by publishing misleading information, false accusations, and fabricated photos and videos aimed at undermining Russia's natural right to ward off threats to the security of its people, as guaranteed by the Charter of the United Nations.

Sabbagh pointed out that the Charter of the United Nations, written by its founders 75 years ago in good faith, has been exploited over the past years in a wrong selective manner, using double standards in its application. Which launched barbaric acts of aggression against Syria under the pretext of “defending its national security,” even though it is thousands of miles away, indicating that the United States and the countries affiliated with the so-called “international coalition” destroyed entire cities and killed thousands of their residents, as was the case for the city of Raqqa, and therefore these countries are not entitled to shed tears or receive lessons and sermons, because they do not have any credibility.

Syria's permanent representative to the United Nations explained that after the dissolution of the Soviet Union republics, Russia recognized the CIS and extended a hand to its partners, including Ukraine, and the Kyiv authorities had to respect the facts of history and geography, and refrain from any retaliatory measures or practices against the resident Russians. Throughout history in the Donbass, and against the peoples of the two popular republics of Lugansk and Donetsk, and to adhere to the principles of neutrality and good-neighbourliness, but the Ukrainian governments after the coup in 2014 adopted negative and dangerous policies towards Russia based on denying everything that unites the two peoples, as political leaders and extremist political parties in Ukraine tried With Western support distorting the consciousness and historical memory of the Ukrainian people, extremist movements took advantage of this situation to escalate the hostile situation against Russia.

Sabbagh pointed out that NATO countries were not immune from what was happening, but rather played the role of the instigator who tempted extremist groups in Ukraine with promises to join the alliance and the European Union, and to obtain aid and military protection, in exchange for raising the level of hostility and threat against Russia, and the United States and its allies in NATO have translated these The policies clearly cover up the discriminatory and inhuman practices of the Kyiv authorities against the peoples of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, and other historically Russian-speaking peoples in Donbass and elsewhere, and their ongoing suffering for eight years, which prompted them to choose recently, after their liberation, freely and voluntarily, to join the Russian Federation.

Sabbagh praised Russia's efforts to achieve stability and ensure the safety and security of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples, hosting hundreds of thousands of refugees, ensuring the delivery of humanitarian aid, providing safe corridors for civilians, and agreeing on the passage of grain and food shipments.

Sabbagh explained that Syria voted against Albania's proposal regarding the method of voting on the proposed draft resolution, that it should not take place through a secret vote on it, not because it is against transparency in the work of the General Assembly, but rather due to its awareness of the extent of embarrassment and the great pressure exerted by Western countries on Member States, to pass this The unbalanced and hostile project against Russia, stressing Syria's rejection of this approach, and its call on other countries to be aware of the dangers of being drawn into it, and the need to reject efforts to isolate, hostile, and double-standard policies.