The Limited Times

Blockages: the executive facing the risk of contagion

10/12/2022, 7:11:41 PM

DECRYPTION – Opponents on the left seek to extend the blockages and target Emmanuel Macron. The race against time is on. Ten days before the All Saints holidays, the government announced on Wednesday a first requisition in a refinery, that of ExxonMobil in Port-Jérôme in Seine-Maritime. With the hope of starting to unblock the situation. “In the coming days, there, you will have a very significant improvement”, assured the spokesman of the government, Olivier Véran, at the end of the Cou

The race against time is on.

Ten days before the All Saints holidays, the government announced on Wednesday a first requisition in a refinery, that of ExxonMobil in Port-Jérôme in Seine-Maritime.

With the hope of starting to unblock the situation.

“In the coming days, there, you will have a very significant improvement”,

assured the spokesman of the government, Olivier Véran, at the end of the Council of Ministers.

However, specifying that

“then, for a complete return to normal to happen, it will take several days”.

In the best case.

Because the climate was particularly tense Wednesday in the refineries.

By increasing the pressure on the strikers with the threat of requisitions, the executive has seen unions renew the strike calls and others join the movement.

For the time being, the fuel depot of TotalEnergies de Flandres, near Dunkirk, is not affected by the requisitions, but, according to the government spokesperson…

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