The Limited Times

China is ready to jointly seek greater progress in cooperation with Europe

10/12/2022, 9:41:31 PM

BEIJING, SANA- A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman announced today her country’s readiness to work with Europe for a joint endeavor


A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman announced today her country's readiness to work with Europe to jointly strive for greater progress in bilateral cooperation in various fields, and to provide more benefits to the Chinese and European peoples.

"We applaud the statements made by European leaders on relations with China," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning told a press conference, adding that China also supports globalization and opposes disengagement.

She added, "In light of the stagnation in the global economy, openness, engagement in cooperation and the development of economic and trade relations are good not only for China and Europe, but also for global economic recovery."

Noting that China-EU cooperation is rooted in general support, common interests, and strategic needs, Mao said, "This cooperation has great flexibility and broad potential."

According to reports, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said recently that he supports globalization, considering that disengagement is the wrong answer and that Germany must deal with the rest of the world, including China.

In turn, the Executive Vice President of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis in charge of economic affairs said that he is convinced that disengaging from China is not an option for companies in the European Union.

He added: The EU's trade relationship with China needs more balance and reciprocity.

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