The Limited Times

City bet, mobility day, Sunday shopping: Moosburg autumn market attracts with many promotions

10/12/2022, 6:06:23 PM

City bet, mobility day, Sunday shopping: Moosburg autumn market attracts with many promotions Created: 10/12/2022, 8:00 p.m A colorful program is offered for young and old on Sunday in Moosburg. © MOMA With a colorful program and many activities, the city of Moosburg attracts visitors to the autumn market on Sunday. Here is an overview of what is on offer. Moosburg - delicacies, handicrafts an

City bet, mobility day, Sunday shopping: Moosburg autumn market attracts with many promotions

Created: 10/12/2022, 8:00 p.m

A colorful program is offered for young and old on Sunday in Moosburg.


With a colorful program and many activities, the city of Moosburg attracts visitors to the autumn market on Sunday.

Here is an overview of what is on offer.


- delicacies, handicrafts and a colorful supporting program - that is the Moosburg autumn market.

This will take place in the city center next Sunday, October 16, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Specialties from regional self-producers, work by artisans from Moosburg and the surrounding area, delicacies from local restaurateurs and much more await visitors.

The downtown shops are open from 12 noon.

At the same time, the Sustainable Mobility Day of the city of Moosburg is taking place on the plan.

Big pumpkin bet

The highlight of this year's autumn market, however, is the city bet à la "Wetten, dass..?", which Marketing eG came up with.

"We bet that Mayor Josef Dollinger will not manage to encourage visitors to the autumn market to collect 1250 kilograms of edible and ornamental pumpkins in front of the town hall," said Marketing Manager Thomas David.

The bet starts at 11.30 a.m. on market day in front of the town hall, at 4 p.m. the ten heaviest pumpkins are awarded.

The prizes are Moosburg Cards worth 200, 150, 100, two times 50 and five times 30 euros.

As befits a real city bet, the loser has to pay his debt and will sell pumpkin soup, pumpkin pie and other delicacies at the weekly market on October 22nd, the proceeds of which will be donated to the Moosburger Tafel.

The autumn market is framed by a varied programme.

A free city tour is offered at 2 p.m.

The meeting point for this is the west portal of the Minster.

In addition to live music, clown Toni Toss entertains the big and small market visitors.

There is also pumpkin carving for children and a workshop focusing on Provence terracotta pots.

The portfolio of the local exhibitors ranges from handmade sewing and knitting work to wooden goods, ceramics and decorative items to jewelry and accessories.

Among other things, cheese specialties, oils and vinegars or brandies and liqueurs are offered by self-producers.

Physical well-being is provided with hearty dishes such as burgers, sausages and steaks, but also sweets such as cakes, Baumstriezel, crêpes and chocolate fruits.

City Mobility Day

Another highlight is to be the day of action on “sustainable mobility” parallel to the autumn market, which the city is organizing from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the “plan”.

In connection with information stands and a colorful supporting program, there will be a lot on offer on this day.

The focus is on sustainable mobility and is intended to provide a guide to reducing environmental pollution and improving the quality of life in cities.

The following information stands are represented this year: • District car/car sharing • The RADhaus Salksdorf bicycle shops from Landshut with special bikes such as recumbent, cargo and rehabilitation bikes as well as Kick from Moosburg (bicycles from the exhibitors can be tested) • Greenpeace • General German Bicycle Club (ADFC) • Traffic Club Germany (VCD) • Roundabout guard • Police • Solarfreunde Moosburg on the subject of e-mobility.

At the latter stand, it will be shown, among other things, how a car can be driven inexpensively with self-generated solar power.

In addition to the information stand with solar modules, battery storage and wall box, several different e-cars will be on site.

(By the way: everything from the region is now also available in our regular Freising newsletter.)

There are also the following hands-on activities: • Bike wash • Wheel of Fortune quiz on climate-friendly mobility (VCD) • ADFC bike coding to protect against theft • Rollover simulator for the traffic police • Reaction tests: course with drug and intoxication glasses (simulation of 0.8 and 1.3 per thousand ).

The program at the "Plan" is supplemented by a performance by the Liedertafel (12.15 p.m.), spectacular art bike demonstrations by RSV Schleissheim (1 p.m. and 3 p.m.) and penny-farthing demonstrations with historic bicycles (2 p.m. and 3.30 p.m.).

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For the major event, the "Plan" and the city center will be closed to traffic from 7 a.m. on Sunday from 7 a.m.


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