The Limited Times

In front of the deputies, the boss of the police defends his reform stubbornly

10/12/2022, 6:11:46 PM

STORY - Frédéric Veaux took up, sometimes to the word, most of the arguments put forward to convince the senators, on September 28th.

Right in his boots, Frédéric Veaux defended, on Wednesday before a parliamentary fact-finding mission from the National Assembly, a reform project that continues to make waves.

The day after a new show of force, this time coming from investigators from the Parisian PJ joined by magistrates in front of their headquarters at 36, rue du Bastion, in the 17th arrondissement, the director general of the national police detailed the reasons. a reorganization aimed at unifying all services under a single departmental management.

Before the deputies and co-rapporteurs Marie Guévenoux (Renaissance) and Ugo Bernalicis (LFI), the boss of the 120,000 police officers in France repeated, sometimes to the word, most of the arguments put forward to convince the senators, on September 28.

Ball in mind, he recalled that the last reform of the institution "

dates back to 1966


To my knowledge, no one seems to dispute the fact that our organization is siloed and very…

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