The Limited Times

In the Assembly, the "slingers" of the majority impose on the executive a tax on super-dividends

10/12/2022, 11:53:10 PM

STORY – Adopted thanks to the opposition and around twenty Renaissance votes, the amendment tabled by MoDem MP Jean-Paul Mattei had nevertheless received an unfavorable opinion from the government.

One evening, a psychodrama.

A little before midnight, on the night of Wednesday to Thursday, while the discussions on the examination of the finance bill had so far taken place in notable calm, an amendment set fire to the powder.

This is that of MoDem deputy Jean-Paul Mattei, whose objective was to increase the “

flat tax

” by 5% on the payment of dividends from large companies.

In other words: tax super-dividends.

Although having received an unfavorable opinion from the government expressed by the Budget Minister, Gabriel Attal, this provision was nevertheless adopted thanks to the vote of a very large majority of the parliamentarians present.

Among them, those of the National Rally and Nupes, who had long campaigned for such a tax.

But also some of their Republican colleagues, as well as the centrists of the MoDem – yet allies of the government … And even 19 deputies from the Renaissance group.

Élisabeth Borne's alternate voted for

Among these “slingers” are notably elected officials from…

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