The Limited Times

Jury Reaches Verdict in Alex Jones Defamation Trial

10/12/2022, 7:53:12 PM

Alex Jones confronts a group of relatives of the Sandy Hook shooting victims for saying the incident was staged. 

Why do some believe conspiracy theories like Alex Jones?


(CNN) --

The jury in the trial of Alex Jones, a conspiracy theorist and media personality, has reached a verdict.

The trial in Connecticut seeks to determine how much Jones should pay the families of the Sandy Hook shooting victims for their lies about the massacre.

The plaintiffs include family members of eight students and school employees, as well as an FBI agent who responded to the scene.

Several of them were in the courtroom awaiting the reading of the verdict, which will be given in the next few hours.

Jones is not present in the courtroom.

Three cases were condensed into a single trial.

While the families were not asking for a specific figure, one of the families' attorneys asked the jury last month to "send a message" to the public with his decision.



    The most alarming in the history of Alex Jones

The Connecticut trial came a month after another Texas jury ruled that Jones and his company should award two Sandy Hook parents who sued in that state nearly $50 million.

After the 2012 shooting that killed 26 people, Jones unsubstantiatedly claimed the incident was staged.

Facing multiple lawsuits, Jones later acknowledged that the shooting did indeed occur.

This week in court, he testified that he now believed it was "100% real."

Alex JonesDefamation