The Limited Times

Opinion The gas agreement is between America and Iran, at the expense of Israel Israel today

10/12/2022, 8:47:26 PM

This bad agreement is a proposal of a false determination according to which if all the enemy's conditions are not accepted, war will break out • The responsibility for surrendering the agreement is on the Americans, less on Israel • Throughout the entire agreement, every dispute is referred to the arbitrator Uncle Sam, but he likes to pay in Israeli currency

A few days ago, the US ambassador to Israel, Tom Neides, defined Netanyahu's words, that the agreement on the maritime border is a capitulation to Hezbollah, as "ridiculous". Apart from the fact that this is a gross and unusual intervention by a foreign ambassador in the Israeli arena, it may be that the responsibility for the capitulation should really be placed on Another factor and not on Israel.

At the beginning of July, Hezbollah attacked the rig at the Harish site using drones. According to the reactions presented by researcher Michael Duran from the Hudson Institute, the Americans came under pressure and decided to take action. They are the ones who pushed Israel to speed up the negotiations on the maritime border.

Dr. Michael Duran is perhaps the most reliable and serious expert on American policy in the Middle East. He identified and analyzed the approach policy of the duo Obama and Joe Biden to Iran even before the nuclear agreement was signed in 2015. He is the one who identified the extensive and deep Russian penetration into Syria as cooperation of the Obama administration with President Putin.

Iran has precedence in the Middle East.


Duran defined the border and gas agreement with Lebanon as "wrapped in a huge amount of distorted information".

Indeed, those who read the agreement as it is immediately recognize very problematic clauses and also wordings from which it can be learned that there is no Lebanese recognition of the meaning of an international obligation on the maritime border line.

In the second part, section G, it is written that if necessary it will be possible for companies operating in the Lebanese field to also drill south of the border line;

"Israel will not withhold its consent without a logical reason," it said.

Throughout the agreement the main thing is the position of the United States towards the parties.

Every dispute goes to American arbitration, and we already know that the Americans pay in Israeli currency.

Israel is present and absent

The agreement is part of the policy of the United States towards Iran.

This is ultimately an agreement between the Americans and Iran.

This is an agreement in which the Americans captured the Israeli leadership so that it would cooperate with an American regional strategy that is against Israel's interest.

This is why former Prime Minister Netanyahu speaks so strongly against the agreement.

There cannot be an agreement that Israel benefits from if it is so favorable to Iran and Hezbollah.

Hassan Nasrallah.

They accepted all his dictates, photo: Reuters

While in the United States it is possible to argue calmly, Israel has an almost hermetically sealed sounding board.

The security establishment on its commentary network and its senior media reporters dominates the public discourse.

Retired security personnel and politicians who oppose this move are dismayed.

But there is one glaring phenomenon: how did you manage to push Israel into a corner during negotiations where it is either you accept all the conditions of Hezbollah, Iran and Lebanon, or war will break out?!

The conclusion is that Shalapid and Gantz were led in Corrales (the cattle route on their way to slaughter) by Biden and Macron.

So first came the drones, followed by an American attack that probably began in full force during Biden's visit to Israel on July 13. After the matter was dragged on, with one of the leaders of the negotiations opposing the complete folding and then resigning from his post, a conversation was held about the nuclear agreement with Iran. In the end, the president ordered the prime minister End the Lebanese agreement as soon as possible. Duran Gores first asked the members of the Biden administration who, contrary to the American interest, put reaching the Lebanese agreement at the top of the priority list. They could have pushed for the promotion of gas transport through Turkey or Egypt, but they chose Lebanon.

The message is dangerous: Israel is collapsing under the pressure of terrorism

According to their perception, Iran has precedence in the Middle East and Israel should internalize this.

The Biden administration prefers Iran over Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

The code word is "integration", integration, of Iran in the Middle East, and the issue of Iran's nuclearization will receive a policy of inclusion.

Can Israel put up with it?

It seems that the head of the Mossad, Dedi Barnea, does not accept Israel's submission to the dictates of the Americans on the Iranian issue, and therefore Lapid attacked him publicly (a few weeks ago).

As far as the Americans are concerned, the women's revolt in Iran is not interesting either.

Against each of the three "bad" countries, Biden and his men sewed propaganda attacks: Saudi Arabia is led by a dictator who murdered a "journalist" (the Muslim Brotherhood's dear ones) and is waging a terrible war in Yemen;

Turkey is ruled by a dictator;

Israel oppresses Palestinians and murders female journalists.

The Saudis wielded the miracle of the rebellion and raised oil prices.

Lapid's Israel, on the other hand, maneuvered itself into a Chamberlain position of "peace for the hour".

The Palestinians seem to have understood, and the increase in attacks is already a response to the message sent by Hezbollah: Israel is collapsing under the pressure of terrorism.

Just like at the beginning of the second intifada.

were we wrong

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