The Limited Times

BMW is building in Milbertshofen: local residents are annoyed by the dusty construction site

10/13/2022, 10:11:03 PM

Residents in Munich-Milbertshofen are angry about a BMW construction site. The reason: The trucks spread dirt all over Riesenfeldstrasse.

Residents in Munich-Milbertshofen are angry about a BMW construction site.

The reason: The trucks spread dirt all over Riesenfeldstrasse.

A concrete mixer truck pulls out of the construction site at the BMW main plant into Riesenfeldstrasse.

The driver accelerates, whirls up a cloud of dirt while driving - and slowly the dust falls on the cars parked on the side of the road.

The layer gets thicker and thicker.

Only when Valeria Arthuber wipes her hand over the bonnet does one see that the car is not beige, but dark gray.

She and her parents Kurt and Margot are angry about the dust construction site next door.

Kurt Arthuber (63), who runs a craft business, also fears that the dirt will pollute the environment.

BMW doesn't take his complaints seriously and doesn't do enough, he says.

E-cars are to be built at BMW in Munich-Milbertshofen

The BMW main plant is in Milbertshofen north of the Petuelring.

It borders Lerchenauer to the east and Riesenfeldstrasse to the west – where the Arthubers live.

BMW has been dismantling a former paint shop there since June 2021.

The existing hall is currently being demolished for this purpose by the end of March 2023, says a spokesman.

After that, a hall for body construction is to be built on the site.

BMW wants to screw together the purely electric cars of the new class there in the future, according to the spokesman.

When exactly the new hall will be finished is unclear.

But the first cars should roll off the assembly line at the end of 2026.


A body shop is built at the BMW main plant in Munich-Milbertshofen between Lerchenauer and Riesenfeldstrasse.

© mm/tz

Munich residents are annoyed because cars are constantly dusty due to the trucks

BMW wants to make driving more progressive with the new models.

For Kurt Arthuber, however, the construction site and its consequences feel like a step backwards.

The quality of life for local residents has fallen, he says.

"I could wash my car twice a day."

For a while he accepted the dust clouds, after all, BMW is an important employer for the city and region.

But in the last month it has become increasingly dirty – even inside, says Arthuber.

"We don't open the windows, otherwise everything in the house is dusty."

BMW wants a wheel washing facility for the construction site in the north of Munich

Arthuber's criticism: BMW cares too little about it.

He has repeatedly complained to the group in recent weeks, he says.

"The sweeper then cleaned the street three times a day instead of twice." But Arthuber wants the group to do more.

When asked, it is said that BMW takes criticism seriously.

But when it comes to dust protection, you follow the rules, everything has been agreed with the city.

In order to reduce dust, the construction site will now be watered, says a spokesman.

In addition, a tire washing system will be purchased so that the trucks do not spread the dirt on the road.

Arthuber thinks that's a good thing - but has doubts about how soon it will work.