The Limited Times

Opinion Gas is no joke: Israel continues to bow down to Lebanon Israel today

10/13/2022, 8:41:43 PM

Until we have restored our image from the Oslo agreement and from the agreement with Jordan, which in practice is not respected, why become a trampled escapade in the international system again? • The returning Lapid and Gantz government gives Israel the desperate image - a country that knows how to make money, agriculture and real estate, that begs an enemy country to sign an agreement, and also offers payment • The remnants of the country's self-respect become transparent like gas

A woman who has everything but self-confidence decides to marry a violent man.

This woman, let's call her Y, is not weak at all.

I didn't say she wasn't a sucker, but completely alive on her own merits.

It is true that she inherited a fortune from her father, who immigrated to Israel after the Holocaust and founded an economic empire through the power of faith and also because he was really smart, but she is no less talented than he is and the fortune he registered in her name has tripled.

Y. also received great genes from her mother, the kind that allow her to conduct herself wisely and be the backbone of high-tech and international culture.

Y. is beautiful, Y. is smart, Y. has devoted children who make sure to respect their mother in a way that can be envied, indeed everyone who knows her closely is jealous of her.

Y. is also rich overall, although the previous owners and the horribly compromising agreements she made with them when she was in love, or when she just wanted to break up so that the ex-men wouldn't get any closer to her children, ate away at her accumulated property.

There is no doubt that if she had made appropriate agreements before the previous weddings, she would be richer and more secure today, and the children would also be protected.

Y' has the mileage and her resume, and no matter how much they try to blacken her in the world (you know how to talk about successful women) everyone knows that she is one of the equals in the market, if not the

But here, here it happens to her again.

After rehabilitating herself and taking a personality-building trip in Dubai and Morocco, and it seemed that she also realized that the right men for her are not in the Middle East, she is starting again.

The remnants of Y's self-respect become transparent like gas.

At the maritime border with Lebanon, they are preparing for escalation.

Territorial waters have arrived as far as Nefesh (for illustration), photo: Eyal Margolin - Janey

The battered woman of Lebanon

If we were to bring to each of the "Yesh Atid" voters a prenuptial agreement between a woman like Y and a man who, in addition to his violence, is also facing a sentence for gambling, let's say - an image equivalent to the upcoming elections in Lebanon - would the reasonable person tell the woman to hurry up Signing the agreement or waiting?

Would he have been called to defend the governor?

Would he advise - in his capacity as a family law attorney, as an active psychologist or as a loyal advisor - that she should protect her rights and her battered soul, for the future of her children, some of whom are already soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces? Would a consultant, psychologist or attorney look at the bride's collapse, Israel, and will say: "Come on, she deserves it" just because it's important to him to design the wedding invitations?

The best commentators who support the agreement said that even if the agreement is good, there is a democratic crisis here, because the transitional government has not won the trust of the public.

And I say - even if the left is no longer interested in democracy, why turn Israel into a girl whose international dignity is trampled?

Until we have restored our image from Oslo, and from the agreement with Jordan, which in practice is not respected, and from the agreement with Egypt that left us a living and shrunken widow - why become the encroaching bishopric of Lebanon, and voluntarily?

The Lapid and Gantz government is returning Israel to the position of the battered and beautiful woman who knows how to make money, agriculture and real estate, but as soon as a man winks at her, she divests herself of her assets and begs him to do whatever he wants with her, and even offers payment.

Signing of the Oslo I Agreement at the White House (archive), photo: Gideon Markovitch

When Netanyahu underestimates his voters

Just before Yom Kippur, Netanyahu stated that there is no need for a national religious party.

Yes, after forcing Smotrich and Ben Gvir together, he starts drinking the party he put together.

It is likely that the video in which he sings "Prayer for the Peace of the State" with a knitted cap on his head was recorded even before he imposed a union on the two national religious factions, which did not prevent him from uniting them and which may not have prevented him from leaving them out of the coalition the day after.

And on the eve of Yom Kippur itself, he chose to publish the first chapter of his biography in Yedioth Ahronoth.

Those around him said that they wanted to appeal to "new audiences".

This may be the explanation why the Likud boycotted the right-wing Kalman Libeskind's program on Channel B, but they were interviewed by the left-wing Kern Neubach, which airs an hour after it.

As someone who attacks the Nablus and Arab public media - even though his most significant action in the field was the closing of the Broadcasting Authority, which was relatively identified with him, and the establishment of the Public Broadcasting Corporation, which relatively despised him - it is surprising that Netanyahu is still looking for "new audiences" in the readers and listeners who stick to his own media channels He was ready to do anything to "turn the ship around".

Will new audiences come from Neubach and Moses?

I think that new audiences will gather if he composes the first chapter and releases an exclusive Tiktok version of Noa Kirel, including a launch party at "Tedar".

There is nothing new in the Likud mandates column - a worrying stability.

The polls show that it is the religious Zionist party that is climbing up.

Taking the right-wing bloc in general and right-wing media consumers in particular for granted is a fundamental mistake.

He who goes to "new audiences" who despise him in order to gain imaginary likes, disappoints those for whom he is a real bestseller.

It is worth recalling Bennett's conduct: when he took his friends on the "right" for granted and decided to meet "new audiences" with the help of a compromise he would achieve (ha) between Russia and Ukraine - by the time he returned he no longer had a political home.

If Netanyahu had not taken the audiences from the right for granted, they might not have been sympathetic to the Bennet-Lapid government (for illustration), photo: Avi Ohion

And in retrospect, it is possible that the establishment of the Bennett government would not have received public approval in parts of the right-wing bloc, if Netanyahu had not taken the bloc for granted.

And the right-wing media is the face of this bloc.

It turns out that it is possible to complain about the leftist tribal campfire and continue, at the same time, to nurture it.

Once when you are in power, and once when you are trying to please him from the opposition.

Likud claimed against Bennett, among other things, that he is trying to "please the left".

It could very well be, and when you look at his conduct in the gas agreement, unfortunately, the statement appears to be correct.

It's just a shame that Likud can too.

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