The Limited Times

Amnesty: at least 23 minors killed since the beginning of the protests in Iran

10/14/2022, 3:11:57 PM

They are 16% of the total of the 144 demonstrators who died. Borrell: 'Stop the repression, protest is a right' (ANSA)

Since protests began in Iran following the death in police custody of Mahsa Amini, the Iranian security forces have killed at least 23 minors and injured even more, Amnesty International reported, according to which "the Iranian authorities are using every means to crush the spirit of resistance of the youth protests and to hold on to power ".

Out of a total of 144 protesters killed by Amnesty International, these minors make up 16% of the total, writes the international organization for human rights in a statement.

In most cases, 17 of the total, the victims were killed by live bullets, two by hunting shot and four following beatings.

The list drawn up by Amnesty International, referring only to the period between 20 and 30 September, contains the names of 20 boys between the ages of 11 and 17 and three girls, two aged 16 and one aged 17. The human rights organization is seeking confirmation of the deaths of at least five other minors.

Ten of the 23 victims belonged to the oppressed minority of the Baloch and were killed on the "bloody Friday" of September 30 in the provinces of Zahedan and Sistan and Baluchistan, affected in the vital organs.

The other 13 minors were killed in 11 cities in the provinces of Tehran (5), Western Azerbaijan (4), Alborz (1), Kermanshah (1), Kohgilouyeh and Bouyer Ahmad (1) and Zanjan (1). 


"I spoke with Minister Amirabdolahian to reiterate the clear and unified position of the EU: Iranian citizens have the right to peacefully protest and to defend fundamental rights. Violent repression must stop immediately. Protesters must be released. 'Internet access and accountability ".

So on Twitter the high representative of EU foreign policy Josep Borrell.