The Limited Times

Federal party conference of the Greens supports operational reserve for nuclear power plants

10/14/2022, 9:47:28 PM

With a clear majority, the Greens voted in favor of extending the two nuclear power plants Isar 2 and Neckarwestheim 2. They support Robert Habeck in the dispute with FDP leader Lindner. They continue to reject new fuel rods.

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Robert Habeck speaks at the federal party conference of the Greens

Photo: Kay Nietfeld / dpa

In the midst of the coalition dispute over nuclear power, the Greens have backed their Federal Minister of Economics, Robert Habeck.

The two southern German nuclear power plants Isar 2 and Neckarwestheim 2 should be kept in reserve until April 15 and continue to be used to generate electricity if necessary, the party conference in Bonn decided late in the evening with a clear majority.

The third remaining Emsland nuclear power plant, on the other hand, is to be finally shut down on January 1, 2023.

The delegates rejected the procurement of new fuel elements.

"Bündnis 90/Die Grünen will not agree to any legal regulation in the Bundestag that would procure new fuel elements or the new enriched uranium required for them," says the approved motion.

Ultimately, however, it was still unclear whether the parliamentary groups would even vote on this question.

coalition dispute over nuclear power

The several hundred delegates reaffirmed the line that leading Greens such as the two party leaders Ricarda Lang and Omid Nouripour had taken in the past few days in the dispute with the FDP.

Shortly before the party congress, Lang had described the purchase of new fuel rods as a "red line" in an interview with "SPIEGEL".

A heated argument has broken out in the traffic light coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP over how to deal with German nuclear power plants.

While the FDP is pushing for a longer period of operation, the Greens in particular reject this.

Habeck had suggested the two southern German nuclear power plants as a reserve, but recently made it clear that he assumes that their temporary continued operation will be necessary.
