The Limited Times

The bell rings 25 times to commemorate the collapse of the torrino in Foligno

10/14/2022, 5:47:52 PM

It was one of the symbols of the earthquake that struck Umbria (ANSA)    The bell of the town hall of Foligno resounded 25 times, as many years have passed since the earthquake that hit Umbria in 1997, to commemorate the collapse of the tower, one of the symbols of that earthquake.     It was in fact the 17 and 23 of October 14, 1997 when an earthquake brought down the tower already heavily damaged by the quake of September 26, just at the moment when a team of fir

   The bell of the town hall of Foligno resounded 25 times, as many years have passed since the earthquake that hit Umbria in 1997, to commemorate the collapse of the tower, one of the symbols of that earthquake.

    It was in fact the 17 and 23 of October 14, 1997 when an earthquake brought down the tower already heavily damaged by the quake of September 26, just at the moment when a team of firefighters was trying to secure it.

It was returned to the city ten years later, on October 14, 2007. The recovery was completed through the consolidation of the entire medieval tower with a steel structure.

    On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the collapse of the tower, a simple ceremony was held in Piazza della Repubblica.

And at 5:23 pm she rang the bell of the town hall 25 times.

    Present the mayor of Foligno, Stefano Zuccarini, and the former mayors Nando Mismetti and Maurizio Salari.

    Zuccarini - it is said in a note from the Municipality - defined the tower as "the symbol par excellence of the tenacity of the people of Foligno against the violent wounds of the earthquake".

"A symbol - he added - which united the entire community in one of its darkest moments and which drew solidarity from all over the world. After 25 years we wanted to ring that bell, with 25 strokes to remember the victims, sufferings and for a hymn to life that continues ".