The Limited Times

The former pillars of macronie are recycling

10/14/2022, 5:48:16 PM

STORY – Helped by Macron, former figures of the majority marry a new life. The new life of Christophe Castaner will wait another month. The former Minister of the Interior could not become head of the supervisory board of the Grand Port of Marseille, Friday, October 14, for lack of ministerial decrees published in time. It is only in November that he will be able to be elected to this “executive” and “unpaid” function , he made a point of specifying to avoid trials for “

The new life of Christophe Castaner will wait another month.

The former Minister of the Interior could not become head of the supervisory board of the Grand Port of Marseille, Friday, October 14, for lack of ministerial decrees published in time.

It is only in November that he will be able to be elected to this




function , he made a point of specifying to avoid trials for “favoritism”.

Beaten on June 19 in his stronghold of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, in the second round of the legislative elections, Christophe Castaner is preparing to join the list of pillars of the Macron camp "recasés".

More or less far from political life.

It must be said that the clearing wave last spring renewed the faces of macronism well beyond what was expected.

And in the opposite direction to that desired by Emmanuel Macron in 2017. He who claimed to attract personalities from “civil society” finds himself today forced to give a boost to his…

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