The Limited Times

Tops / Flops Paris SG-Marseille: Mbappé finally smuggler, OM frustrated

10/16/2022, 9:30:12 PM

The first decisive pass this season from Mbappé, the activity of the Parisian milieu, but also the regrets of the Phocaeans: find the Tops and Flops of this match between PSG and OM (1-0).


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Mbappé, in the oven and in the mill

7 shots attempted, 6 key passes: Kylian Mbappé struggled on the front of the attack to serve his partners or finish the actions.

If he has not regained all of his abilities, with some unsuccessful accelerations, the French striker has been the most involved on PSG's occasions.

Long disconcerted by Pau Lopez, the Parisian number 7 ended up offering a golden service to Neymar, author of the only goal of the meeting.

Still threatening in the second half, he failed to put his name on the scorers' table.

The midfielder at 3 did good in Paris

For this shock, Christophe Galtier went from the 3-4-2-1 aligned since the start of the season to a more classic 4-3-3.

With the idea of ​​incorporating size with Fabian Ruiz alongside Verratti and Vitinha.

A rather welcome idea to face aggressive Marseillais.

The Parisians have thus dominated this sector by recovering a good number of balls.

We will note the performance of Fabian Ruiz, precious at the end of the game, and Verratti, author of the ball recovered at the origin of the first goal and tireless throughout this Classic.

Pau Lopez delayed the deadline

The Spanish goalkeeper made no less than 7 saves after an hour of play and finished the game with 8 in total.

Behind a sometimes hesitant defense, Pau Lopez succeeded in his Classic by confusing the Parisian attackers quite a bit.

Strikes from Messi (4th, 28th), to the duel with Hakimi (5th), through the attempts of Mbappé (20th, 28th).

Saved by his bar on a free kick from Messi (35th), he finally had to bow to Neymar (45th + 2).


OM did not believe in it enough

Coming with offensive intentions, OM sought to pose problems for PSG in the opposing camp.

A calculated risk taking because the defenders have often been in a one-on-one situation against the Parisian stars.

But the Phocaeans lacked audacity against the opposing goal despite 18 attempts.

But they will also have suffered a lot with 23 shots from Paris opposite.

Rongier-Veretout, duo too light

Facing the middle of 3 of PSG, Valentin Rongier and Jordan Veretout did not compete.

In an attempt to stop the influence of the opposing midfield, the two Marseillais multiplied the faults and seemed helpless throughout the match.

They did not sufficiently protect a defense sometimes left to fend for itself.

Leg, an annoying expulsion

If OM suffered a lot of chances, the direct expulsion of Samuel Gigot did not help the Phocaeans to get back into the game.

Entered just before half-time, the Marseille defender seemed overwhelmed and was guilty of a rather poorly controlled tackle on Neymar, deserving a red which penalized his team well.

Messi didn't weigh in

Lionel Messi still hasn't scored in a Classic, in three clashes, and it's not for lack of trying.

If the Argentinian was hard-hitting at times, he lacked continuity.

Tempting a lot (6 strikes), he notably touched wood on a free kick.

He ended up running out of physical resources and was the first offensive element to be replaced.

Bernat, in search of his best level

Back from a long injury, Juan Bernat does not seem to have regained his means.

The left side suffered from the activity of Clauss, Mbemba and even Kaboré at the end of the game.

Unable to defend well, he left spaces and did not really contribute offensively.

The absence of Nuno Mendes was felt on the left side.