The Limited Times

Letta proposes Rossomando and Ascani to Chambers vice presidents

10/18/2022, 12:19:32 PM

"My choice also depends on the fact that we have a gender vulnerability. For this reason, also for the vice-presidency, my proposal is to reconfirm Anna Rossomando as vice president of the Senate. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, OCTOBER 18 - "My choice also depends on the fact that we have a gender vulnus. For this reason, also for the vice-presidency, my proposal is to reconfirm Anna Rossomando as vice president of the Senate. most representative figures of our party ".

Dem secretary Enrico Letta said this to the dem senators, after asking for confirmation of the two group leaders.

In the Chamber, the hypothesis is by AnnaAscani deputy.


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