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Narration in theory and application.. a lecture at the Homs Writers Union

10/18/2022, 7:25:15 PM

Homs-SANA Narration appeared as a literary style at the beginning of the last century, taking novel, story and theatrical styles as innovative patterns.


Narration emerged as a literary style at the beginning of the last century, taking from novel, story and play innovative and new patterns in modern Arabic literature.

The professor of ancient literature at Tishreen University, Dr. Ghaithaa Qadra, touched on narration from a theoretical point of view, so she defined it as spoken speech within a specific time frame, as it is the discourse according to certain mechanisms that make it the art of expressing facts through a text with content in which the pillars of the narrator, the narrative and the narrative structure are intertwined.

Qadra explained that the narration includes a structure and meaning, and under it names such as fable, tale, history, story and novel, in which the writer can express in a narrative language with beautiful vocabulary, which depends either on the back narration through the writer’s awareness of the results of the literary product, and presenting it from the end gradually with events or external narration by narrating the events And photographed by the narrator.

She stopped at the forms and types of narration in the novel and the story, including sequential, intermittent and alternating narration, and provided examples for each of them.

Professor of ancient literature at Damascus University, Dr. Adel Frejat, who has dozens of books and hundreds of research papers in Arabic literature studies, presented the concept of narration from an applied point of view through his readings and probing the depths of the modern Arab novel and the experiences of writers in it.

Fregat explained the artistic impact he extracted in a number of novels works by writers who left a distinctive imprint in modern Arabic literature, providing examples of the aesthetics of narration by methods of depiction, expression, workmanship, artistic plot, linguistic and cognitive culture, and creativity that appeared in the works of these creators such as Hanna Mina, Mikhail Naima, Naguib Mahfouz, Youssef Zeidan and Wasini. Al-Araj and Jumana Haddad, citing some narrative texts of those who fulfilled the basic requirement of the novel, which is creativity.

Hanan Sweid

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