The Limited Times

Opinion The decision of the Australian government to cancel the recognition of West Jerusalem - stabbing a knife in the heart of the Jewish state Israel today

10/18/2022, 8:31:04 PM

There have never been any questions or doubts regarding Australia's solidarity with Israel under the leadership of Prime Minister Scott Morrison • However, the events of the last day can only be described as a complete Australian betrayal of Israel and as a stabbing of a knife into the heart of the Jewish state - the destruction of Jerusalem

Australia has a succinct concept, mate, which implies a deep friendship rooted in the values ​​of loyalty, respect and integrity.

However, the Australian government's actions regarding the status of Jerusalem constitute a betrayal of this friendship and severely damage the trust between the two traditionally allied countries.

In 2018, the Australian government, then led by conservative Prime Minister Scott Morrison, announced that it had decided to recognize West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, noting that the final status of the city would be decided in direct talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

This decision was not perfect, considering that Israel sees Jerusalem as its eternal and indivisible capital, but at the time it was seen as a friendly step in the right direction.

A neighborhood in West Jerusalem, photo: Ohad Zweigenberg

There have never been any questions or doubts about Australia's solidarity with Israel under the leadership of Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

In fact, the previous government in Canberra set a gold standard of support for the Jewish state, in word and deed.

This is clearly evident in the UN and in relation to Israel's right to self-defense against Palestinian terrorism, as well as in the commitment to fight anti-Semitism in all its manifestations.

Not a way friends act

Prime Minister Morrison simply "had it" when it came to Israel's unique status in the world and the values ​​of freedom, democracy and innovation that connected our two countries and our two peoples.

Although fortunately Israel enjoyed relatively stable bipartisan support in Australia over the years, and the Australian Labor under the leadership of Anthony Albanese in no way resembled Jeremy Corbyn's Labor (in Great Britain), there was still an expectation of a gradual cooling in the degree of unwavering support that we have become accustomed to and so We appreciated.

However, it is impossible to describe the events of the last day except as a complete Australian betrayal of Israel and as stabbing a knife in the heart of the Jewish state - its capital Jerusalem.

The Australian government's decision to cancel the recognition of West Jerusalem initiated by Prime Minister Morrison - a matter that has never been a subject of controversy - is a shameful and heartbreaking decision, and perhaps there is no better evidence of this than the fact that it was welcomed by the terrorist organization Hamas.

Scott Morrison // Photo: AP,

For the record, Canberra was designated the capital of Australia only in 1913, when it had to be built practically from scratch, while Jerusalem was the capital of the Jewish people, and only of the Jewish people, for 3,000 years, since the days of King David.

At the same time, what is most disturbing about this case is that less than 24 hours before the cancellation, Foreign Minister Penny Wong denied that any change in policy was expected at all, and then chose to announce it during Simchat Torah, when most Jews are not updated on the news.

This fact only reinforces the insidious nature of its actions and the contempt that the Jewish community in Australia and its ally Israel have for this government, from both of whom the impending decision was hidden.

This is simply not the way friends (mates) behave, and if Australia wishes to play a more constructive role as a friend of Israel and to promote peace in the region, it must recognize the simple truth that Jerusalem was, is and will forever be the legal and undisputed capital of Israel.

Meanwhile, just last month, Foreign Minister Wong announced that Australia would double its contribution to UNRWA from 10 million Australian dollars a year to 20 million, here too reversing the Morrison government's policy of withholding funding. UNRWA was and still is one of the obstacles to peace, Incites anti-Semitism and incites terrorism.

We will soon turn our eyes to the UN General Assembly, which is expected to vote this month on a package of anti-Israel resolutions, and we will see if Foreign Minister Wong retracts Australia's courageous and principled support for the Jewish state within the organization's walls. In her statement regarding the reversal of policy on the issue of West Jerusalem, the minister announced Wong: "Australia will always be a firm friend of Israel and will not waver from its support for Israel and the Jewish community of Australia". However, its actions speak for themselves. Unfortunately, the events of the last month, and in particular the decision regarding Jerusalem, have highlighted the very real concerns regarding the government's solidarity The Australian people with Israel and its support for it.

were we wrong

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