The Limited Times

Opinion Yosh's hidden war | Israel Today

10/18/2022, 7:31:03 PM

The Palestinians are invading our territories and occupying them, and we stand pale-faced and find no answer • But there are those who understood the situation and decided to stand up and take action • These are the farm people in Yosh

The holidays are over, the tablecloths are in the wash, the children are at school.

The truth is that today is the first day of the new year.

It's a year full of challenges;

In the whole country, and Judea and Samaria in particular.

It can be said with confidence that the residents of Yosh begin this year with insecurity, due to the increase in terrorism on the one hand, and a lack of decision to take effective action on the part of the government on the other. The visible terrorism is only one of the wars on the ground. It is easy to paint, easy to count, easy to identify. When this terrorism strikes - The whole country is shocked. If he hurts badly, the demand for a solution comes from below, from the people.

No less severe terrorism is the campaign on the homeland.

It is difficult to describe it as a "war", because only one side fights, and therefore only it gains achievements.

The Palestinians invade our territories and occupy them, and we stand pale-faced and find no answer.

While European funds flood the bank accounts of Arab land owners, the Israeli government and its proxies yawn.

No one has an orderly plan or intelligence when it comes to this war, and only a few care.

How does this affect the daily life of Yosh residents? They see, as a matter of routine, how illegal Arab houses grow next to their own, how the areas of the settlements are reduced, fields and orchards are stolen without being able to turn the wheel back. The enemy understands how smart this is: for what To risk frontal terror when you can simply take the ground you are fighting for? That way, the campaign can be decided without a single shot being fired.

But there is a parallel routine.

A routine of those who understood the situation and decided to stand up and take action.

These are the people of the farms in Yosh. They can be found dotting the area, from the north of Samaria to the south of Mount Hebron. In each such farm lives a couple or a family, a sheep, sometimes also a few cows or poultry. They live on the farm in glorious solitude, with a few volunteers who come to help, to preserve and shepherd. The youth who grow up, volunteer and are educated in these farms are the best there is. They, and only they, create the strategic change required in front of this front.

There are about 50 such farms throughout the United States. Together they guard about 300,000 dunams of state land. Their people go out to graze every day, and that's how they know how to report invasions or arson to the security forces. And if the matter is not dealt with - they report again . And again. No one sends them there, no one finances them. They are there because it burns in them. Because they can. Because they can't otherwise.

This is the Zionism of heroes who come from love and are ready to sacrifice.

We, the bourgeois of the established settlements, can only envy these abilities, the passion, the endurance of the heart and lungs, the composure.

When it's cold and windy - we prefer to be at home.

They go out and build another terrace.

But even though they are single farms, they know that they are the real messengers of the public, because thousands of people already subscribe and buy their produce, which reaches homes all over the country.

This is the blessed routine.

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