The Limited Times

Draghi, EU Council to reaffirm a united condemnation of Moscow

10/19/2022, 6:12:40 PM

The EU Council, among other things, "aims" to "reaffirm the unity of the 27 member states in condemning the recent intensification of attacks by the Russian side" and "in supporting the independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. ". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, OCTOBER 19 - The EU Council, among other things, "aims" to "reaffirm the unity of the 27 member states in condemning the recent intensification of attacks by the Russian side" and "in supporting independence, integrity territorial and sovereignty of Ukraine ".

"The full support of the EU for Ukraine includes the political, financial, military, humanitarian and legal dimensions; the implementation of sanctions; the contribution to the full implementation of international initiatives aimed at ensuring the export of Ukrainian wheat".

This was reported in the report by Prime Minister Mario Draghi sent to the Chambers in an invitation to the next EU Council.