The Limited Times

Emma D'Aquino, Criminal Love to empower women

10/19/2022, 1:55:58 PM

Amore Criminale is back, every Thursday in prime time on Rai3, and for the first time there will not be an actress, but a journalist like Emma D'Aquino. (HANDLE)

(by Michele Cassano) (ANSA) - ROME, OCTOBER 19 - Amore Criminale returns, every Thursday in prime time on Rai3, and for the first time there will not be an actress, but a journalist like Emma D'Aquino.

   "I am happy with this new adventure, it is always as if it were the first time - says the presenter of Tg1 in an interview with ANSA -. It is a very popular and now historic program because it has been on the air since 2007".

It starts tomorrow at 21.25 with the story of Antonia, killed in 2012, at 43, by her ex-partner, the father of her third child.

The leitmotif of the story is the interview with the victim's daughter, Florencia, who created an association for orphans of femicide.

    "The case of Antonia, unlike other situations in which the woman's character weakness emerges, does not present this aspect - comments D'Aquino -. She was a strong woman, but she had the misfortune to meet this man. his lies, but when he discovered them, he had the strength to fight back. "

Each episode is dedicated to the memory of a victim of femicide whose history is reconstructed by deepening both the psychological and judicial aspects.

   "Unfortunately there are many stories - says the presenter -. In July I was in Turin, where there is the recording studio, and in 11 days of work there were three femicides. I already knew that the average is one every three days, but when you deal with this subject it is even more impressive. We choose the story also according to the type of story, but they are always fairly defined cases ".

    The format does not change, with a docufilm narrated by Emma D'Aquino herself who tells stories through which the broadcast has been carrying out a battle of social denunciation and an awareness campaign for 15 years.

"Many emails arrive at the Amore Criminale inbox - says the conductor -. Some are moving: the women thank us for helping them understand that there was something wrong in the story they were living. They thank us and encourage us to continue. This is the function of the service. public".