The Limited Times

Behind the scenes: Judith Williams bursts deal in "Lion's Den" with boob gel

10/22/2022, 5:13:44 PM

Behind the scenes: Judith Williams bursts deal in "Lion's Den" with boob gel Created: 10/22/2022, 7:04 p.m By: Sarah Wolzen In the season finale of the "Lion's Den" there was a bitter fight between the investors on Monday evening. In the end, founder Thea Broszio chose Judith Williams for her Mama Cooling Gel. But the lioness dropped the deal. Cologne - On Monday evening (October 17th) Thea Br

Behind the scenes: Judith Williams bursts deal in "Lion's Den" with boob gel

Created: 10/22/2022, 7:04 p.m

By: Sarah Wolzen

In the season finale of the "Lion's Den" there was a bitter fight between the investors on Monday evening.

In the end, founder Thea Broszio chose Judith Williams for her Mama Cooling Gel.

But the lioness dropped the deal.

Cologne - On Monday evening (October 17th) Thea Broszio (34) will present her "Womatics - Mama Cooling Gel" in the "Lion's Cave", a cooling solution against breast engorgement in breastfeeding mothers.

The founder can convince several investors and decides on lioness Judith Williams (51).

But the two women should not work together.

The lion's den: ratings hit

“Die Höhle der Löwen” once again secured market leadership with the last episode of the autumn season on Monday with a strong 13.6 percent market share in the target group of 14 to 49 year olds.

On average, 1.68 million people aged 3 and over tuned in.

“Die Höhle der Löwen” achieved very good ratings for the entire autumn season: On average, the eight new episodes achieved a market share of 14.2 percent among 14 to 49 year olds.

An average of 1.85 million people aged 3 and over tuned in to the 12th season of the Founders Show.

With a total of six out of eight episodes, “Die Höhle der Löwen” secured market leadership in the target group of 14 to 49 year olds.

Lion's Den: "Mama Cooling Gel" is intended to help breastfeeding mothers

"I get breastfeeding topics from the quiet corner," announces the mother of three, who relied on quark wraps and cabbage leaves to relieve the pain after the birth of her children.

When her third child was born, a daughter, she then decided to develop a product against painful nipples when breastfeeding - the birth of "Womatics - Mama Cooling Gel".

Thea Broszio presents "Mama Cooling Gel" in the "Lion's Cave", a cooling gel against breast engorgement - but the deal with investor Judith Williams bursts © RTL +

Thea Broszio wanted an investment of 65,000 euros and was willing to give up 20 percent of her shares in the company.

A business that Ralf Dümmel (55), Dagmar Wöhrl (68) and Judith Williams were enthusiastic about.

The latter finally got the nod.

Judith Williams scraps 'Lion's Den' deal

But away from the cameras, the deal fell through.

Founder Thea Broszio reveals to

"We discussed a lot and for a long time and we think that we have all done our best to make a long-term partnership possible, but our ideas about it were too different."

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Bad blood doesn't seem to have flowed between the two, however.

"Judith Williams is and remains an absolute role model, she was my dream lioness right from the start and I would have been very happy to learn from her and get even more input," says Thea Broszio.

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It is not the first deal of this DHDL season that does not come about afterwards.

The deal for the student app "Uniheld" also fell through after the "Lion's Den".

Sources used:

RTL+, RTL press site,

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