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Christmas market in Marzling takes place: patio heaters trigger debate in the municipal council

10/22/2022, 6:07:27 PM

Christmas market in Marzling takes place: patio heaters trigger debate in the municipal council Created: 10/22/2022, 8:00 p.m Mulled wine will be served again this year at the Christmas market in Marzling. Patio heaters are supposed to warm you from the outside - or not? © Wolfgang Maria Weber/Imago Now it is certain: the Marzlingen Christmas market will take place. A debate sparked the questio

Christmas market in Marzling takes place: patio heaters trigger debate in the municipal council

Created: 10/22/2022, 8:00 p.m

Mulled wine will be served again this year at the Christmas market in Marzling.

Patio heaters are supposed to warm you from the outside - or not?

© Wolfgang Maria Weber/Imago

Now it is certain: the Marzlingen Christmas market will take place.

A debate sparked the question of whether or not to put patio heaters.


- It's not that long, which is why Winfried Seidl (CSU/FW) announced the good news at the most recent municipal council meeting in Marzling: "Yes, there will be a Christmas market in Marzling again this year." During the Marzlinger Christmas tree will be equipped with a timer as usual in order to save electricity, the councilors on Thursday dealt with a completely different question: Is the use of patio heaters in sub-zero temperatures still up to date?

"Should we put some up again or not?" Mayor Martin Ernst (CSU/FW) asked his municipal council without much ado.

Because according to the head of the town hall, one thing is clear: "There are a number of communities that no longer set up patio heaters." This was also confirmed by Roswitha Apold (PB), who used the example of Munich.

There, however, patio heaters would be banned primarily because of the associated pollutant emissions, said Apold.

While Christian Mäuer wanted to leave the decision up to the clubs, the mayor pushed for a clear guideline for everyone involved in the Christmas market.

The SPD Council does not want to freeze while drinking mulled wine

Seidl spoke out clearly in favor of turning on the heaters, at least if it got too hot.

He argued like this: "With us, they only run once a year from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.." Even Thomas Sellmeir (SPD) does not want to freeze while drinking mulled wine.

"We still have the residual gas from two years ago, so I say yes!"

(By the way: everything from the region is now also available in our regular Freising newsletter.)

Karl Göls (CSU/FW) also had a piece of advice that was not meant to be taken seriously: "Let's just take a smaller Christmas tree with fewer lamps, then we'll save money too." A decision via vote didn't have to be made because Martin Ernst just wanted to capture the mood and there was no application anyway.

What Seidl also mentioned: Guests from San Zenone (marzling's partner municipality) will also be present at the Christmas market, who will be selling Italian products this year.

(Richard Lorenz)