The Limited Times

German demonstrations against the government's policy in dealing with the energy crisis

10/22/2022, 5:31:26 PM

Berlin, SANA- Tens of thousands of people demonstrated today in six German cities, to protest against the government’s policy.


Tens of thousands of people demonstrated today in six German cities, to protest the government's policy in dealing with the energy crisis, and to demand an end to dependence on the use of fossil fuels.

German media reported that protesters who came out in the cities of Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hanover, Stuttgart, Dresden and Frankfurt carried banners calling for serious work to reduce inflation, stop nuclear power plants, and increase energy price subsidies.

In turn, the Greenpeace organization, involved in organizing the protests, stated that the number of demonstrators reached about 24,000 in Berlin.

Yesterday, the German parliament approved the government's rescue package of 200 billion euros.

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