The Limited Times

Lots of bare skin: exhibition of the Tölz nude painting group in the Old School

10/22/2022, 4:13:39 PM

Lots of bare skin: exhibition of the Tölz nude painting group in the Old School Created: 10/22/2022, 6:00 p.m By: Elena Royer Presented her works in the Alte Madlschule: the Tölzer nude painting group with (from left) organizer Jeannette Stahlberg, Herbert Braito, Hilde Joy, Mia Rothas, Michael Junker, Peter Knoblich, Johanna Durner and Kerstin Aschauer. © MK The annual exhibition of the Tölz

Lots of bare skin: exhibition of the Tölz nude painting group in the Old School

Created: 10/22/2022, 6:00 p.m

By: Elena Royer

Presented her works in the Alte Madlschule: the Tölzer nude painting group with (from left) organizer Jeannette Stahlberg, Herbert Braito, Hilde Joy, Mia Rothas, Michael Junker, Peter Knoblich, Johanna Durner and Kerstin Aschauer.

© MK

The annual exhibition of the Tölz nude painting group was well attended again.

Many members have been with us for a long time.

Bad Tölz – “Everyone is naked during the act.

But if everyone wears clothes, the act doesn't work out - unfortunately." A funny saying that fits perfectly with the Tölz nude painting group.

At least that's what Jeannette Stahlberg, the head of the group, thinks.

The works of the nude painting group of the "Lust" cultural association were recently on display at an exhibition in the Alte Madlschule.

"The exhibition was well attended," says Jeannette Stahlberg, who has been organizing the exhibitions since 1990.

"It still gives me great pleasure to organize them," she explains.

"So many acts are created in one year that it would be a shame not to present them."

Lots of different techniques

The Tölz nude painting group is a colorful mix.

The members are teachers, graphic designers, decorators or architects.

Many of them have been there for a long time.

Detlev Wolf, for example, has been a member since 1999 and Kerstin Aschauer since 2005. The painters themselves are just as varied as their techniques.

They paint with ink, charcoal or sanguine.

Most of the works on display are created in just 15 minutes, explains Jeannette Stahlberg.

"There are special things coming out of it."

Special artwork for the visitors

Peter Knoblich has been a member of the Aktmalgruppe for five years.

The 53-year-old is a graphic designer and illustrator by trade and wants to keep in practice through the artistic activity in the group.

"It's the best way to learn to draw," he says.

“Each viewer can immediately judge from the proportions whether what is painted is correct.

If you can paint nudes, then you can also draw everything else,” says Peter Knoblich.

He has created something special for the exhibition: a walk-in nude. "Anyone can slip in there," explains the artist.

"It is a man and a woman drawn with acrylic paint on rough paper.

We then hung it up on an old map stand.

The visitor could step behind it and put his head through.”

For Knoblich, what is special about nude painting is the model.

"This is not a still life, but a person who is completely naked and exposed to the gaze of others.

There is tension there,” says the artist.

"I want to bring this tension into the picture." The fact that many drawings are created under stress and the painter knows he won't be able to capture every finger individually often only makes the pictures even stronger, believes Peter Knoblich.

"You have to think carefully about what you capture in the short amount of time so that you can recognize the work of art as a person."  

The nude painting group meets every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. in the Alte Madlschule.

You can find more current news from the region around Bad Tölz at Tölz.