The Limited Times

Opinion Beautiful and (not) true blue and white Israel today

10/22/2022, 8:31:36 PM

From the first moment, Blue and White placed the best of its citizens at the forefront, while behind its advisers and businessmen dirty their hands and throw the old and familiar mud in the public sphere.

The people of the state camp brand themselves as fun and correct in Israeli politics.

In front of the gun-waving Ben Gvir and the dark Smotrich, they present the Israeli voter with a menu that apparently includes clean hands, respect for the court, and of course - a glorious military past.

The Israeli voter can only close his adoring eyes and run to the polls, or in the slightly less refined words of the party spokesman: salute and shut up, you brats.

Right-wing people who shy away from the Smotrich-Ben Gabir-Maoz triangle and despair of Likud's broken election promises are seriously considering voting for Blue and White, imagining a harmless Zionist alternative.

Anyone who watched the video of Matan Kahane and Hili Trooper (full disclosure, I worked under him when he ran a school) can easily feel that he wants to belong to such a group. That is, if you exclude the fact that Kahane turned his back on his voters and formed a government with terrorist supporters, this duo tries to remind the religious viewer Everything that the sector (and not only it) loves to love: the spirit of volunteerism, values, significant service in the IDF, love of Israel and eternal youth, seasoned with the noble act of donating a kidney.

But beneath the surface, everything is less glamorous.

From the first moment, Blue and White placed the best of its sons at the forefront, while behind its consultants and businessmen dirty their hands and throw the old and familiar mud in the public sphere.

In the morning they talk nicely about statesmanship and change, in the afternoon they establish an inflated Norwegian government, in the evening they increase the budget pension for their friends and at night they refuse to deduct salaries from terrorists and call the settlers "terrorists".

The data is not flattering.

The current government, and especially Defense Minister Gantz, have abandoned Judea and Samaria.

Under the guise of "statehood" Gantz, Lapid and Bennett allowed the continued establishment of the Palestinian state on Israeli state lands.

The Palestinian occupation did not start with the healing government, but it grew in an alarming way and was met with the silent consent of the State of Israel.

According to the Regavim movement's data, since May 2021, more than 5,500 illegal Palestinian buildings have been erected in the West Bank per year - an 80% (!) higher growth rate compared to the previous two years. At the same time, according to the Shin Bet's data, in the first half of In 2022 alone, the Palestinians carried out 3,702 terrorist attacks, in which 21 Israelis were murdered (remember, not only in Yosh) and more than 300 were injured. Lance Corporal (res.) Gantz, whose members of his faction constantly belittle their adversaries, allowed the roads of Judea and Samaria to become For Russian roulette, school buses are forced to pass through a daily shower of stones, families are attacked on the way home, and soldiers are shot at checkpoints.

If you see the preservation of Judea and Samaria as necessary for Israel's future and security - you do not have the privilege of voting blue and white, even if you like your right-wing parties more beautiful and correct.

If it is still important to you to vote for kidney donors, go to the residents of Yitzhar and ask them what kind of ballot they throw at the ballot box, but keep in mind: they say that walking around there with two kidneys is a joke.

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