The Limited Times

Russian official: NATO is approaching a level of danger that threatens a direct confrontation with Russia

10/22/2022, 5:55:27 PM

Moscow, SANA- Deputy Director of the Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Department at the Russian Foreign Ministry, Konstantin Foo, warned


Konstantin Vorontsov, Deputy Director of the Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, warned that NATO is approaching a dangerous level of direct military confrontation with Russia.

"The NATO countries are racing to provide support to the Kyiv regime and continue to supply it with weapons, ammunition and intelligence information, train its soldiers and manage combat operations, and thus they are approaching the line of danger that threatens a direct military confrontation with Russia," RIA Novosti news agency quoted Vorontsov as saying. Aid reached $42.3 billion, more than half of it from the United States.

Vorontsov explained that Washington continues to reap the largest share of the gains from the continued bloodshed, especially that European countries are forced to buy US weapons and military equipment before sending them to Ukraine, recalling that US lending to Ukraine consists of 90 percent of loans that Kiev cannot afford, which allows Washington to operate its complex. Military industrial, easing inflation and creating new jobs.

Vorontsov pointed out that a large part of these weapons are traded on the black market, whose monthly sales exceed one billion dollars.

Vorontsov stressed that the European Union and NATO countries are complicit in the aggression against Russia by supplying weapons to Ukraine, in addition to their involvement in war crimes and terrorist acts committed by the Kyiv regime against civilians for eight years.

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