The Limited Times

The Letter from “Fig Mag” of October 22, 2022

10/22/2022, 4:31:58 PM

EXCLUSIVE LETTER SUBSCRIBERS - Investigation and report on those who block France... and their victims; walk in the unknown Scottish forest; meeting with Denis Podalydès; a new post-Celinian.

Dear subscribers,

They cultivate the


to strike as if it were a



Have a nuisance capacity inversely proportional to their representativeness.

They dream every morning of a Grand soiree worthy of 1789 or 1917 - if need be, 1936 or 1968. Annoy the French with indecent jubilation.

And incidentally demoralize those who work, jeopardize fragile activities, slow down the economy, etc.

We have called them the gréviculturists, as these individuals, for the most part encartes in the CGT, seem to us to use their legitimate right to strike more as a professional activity than as a means of pressure to negotiate.

The proof ?

As soon as the bosses of certain oil companies made the financial effort which was asked of them in favor of their employees, the other unions suspended their movement.

Not them.

Because this does

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