The Limited Times

The New York Post: Sanctions did not affect Russia, but rather the countries that imposed them

10/22/2022, 7:13:50 PM

Washington, SANA- The New York Post confirmed that the sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union on


The New York Post confirmed that the sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union on Russia backfired on the West and caused their weakness, while making the Russian currency stronger than it was before.

The newspaper quoted economist Philip Pilkington as saying: “The sanctions imposed on Russia are harming the United States and the European Union, and helping Moscow and its allies. of money.”

Pilkington pointed out that US President Joe Biden promised earlier to smash the Russian currency (the ruble), but in fact it rose by about 23 percent against the dollar, and the West's guesses of not buying Russian energy failed, as Moscow was able to negotiate with China and India to sell oil. and gas for them.

He added that the current approach to sanctions against Russia is a failure, as the Russian currency has proven to be stronger than it was, while European consumers will suffer in the winter, calling for action to reduce energy prices by any means.

Western countries are facing an unprecedented rise in energy prices and inflation, as a result of sanctions against Moscow, and the industry in Europe has largely lost its competitive advantages, affecting other sectors of the economy.

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