The Limited Times

World Cup start in Sölden: Women's giant slalom canceled due to weather

10/22/2022, 6:55:33 AM

The World Cup season begins with a cancellation: the women's giant slalom in Sölden fell victim to the bad weather front over Tyrol. The organizers are hoping for better weather for the men's race on Sunday.

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Sleet had softened the slope in Sölden on Saturday morning and made the competition impossible

Photo: Barbara Gindl / dpa

The alpine ski season begins with a cancellation.

The women's giant slalom in Sölden planned for this Saturday has been canceled due to the weather.

This was announced by the international ski association Fis in the morning.

The start of the first run was initially postponed by an hour, but shortly afterwards the race was canceled entirely.

There had been precipitation during the night, and the rain continued in the morning.

It was also very foggy along the route.

The men's giant slalom is planned for Sunday on the Rettenbachferner.

Better weather is announced by then.

The worst fear came true

Fis Technik race director Markus Mayr told the Austria Press Agency (APA): “Exactly what we feared happened, the worst.

Rain, snow, it has softened the slope for us so much.

We can hardly transport the snow that lies on the ground.

It is also very dangerous for all the workers to move on such a slope.«
