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Ant photo goes viral - "Why isn't that a horror movie character?"

10/25/2022, 6:10:15 PM

Ant photo goes viral - closeup with scary factor Created: 10/25/2022, 8:00 p.m By: Lara-Sabrina Kiehl It's a spectacular shot of an ant taken by a photographer for a competition. He didn't win, but the hype on the internet is big. What the Lithuanian photographer Dr. Eugenijus Kavaliauskas succeeded is extraordinary and scary at the same time. He photographed an ant at five times magnification

Ant photo goes viral - closeup with scary factor

Created: 10/25/2022, 8:00 p.m

By: Lara-Sabrina Kiehl

It's a spectacular shot of an ant taken by a photographer for a competition.

He didn't win, but the hype on the internet is big.

What the Lithuanian photographer Dr.

Eugenijus Kavaliauskas succeeded is extraordinary and scary at the same time.

He photographed an ant at five times magnification for a competition.

The recording is shocking.

Finally, the portrait shows what probably no human has ever seen before, namely the true face of an ant.

Ant photo goes viral - closeup with scary factor

Ants, as everyone knows them: But in the close-up it gets scary.

(Iconic image) © YAY Images/Imago

The extreme close-up is simply titled "Ant" (Camponotus) and is one of 57 unusual images in Nikon's "Small World Photomicrography Competition" in the "Images of Distinction" category.

The competition was in its 48th year and, according to Nikon, nearly 1,300 entries from 72 countries were received this year.

The photo of a zoo where a lion eats a giraffe triggers a shitstorm.

With his pictures, Dr.

Kavaliauskas is always looking for something new: "I'm always looking for details, shadows and invisible corners.

The main goal of photography is to be an explorer,” he tells



Ant photo goes viral - "Why isn't that a horror movie character?"

In order to record the ant's face, which could also have come from an imaginary character in a horror film, Kavaliauskas put the ant under a microscope.

After all, from his point of view it is "boring to take a photo of an ant that is walking banally across the ground".

The supposed eyes, which glow red, look particularly shocking in the close-up.

But in reality they are the feelers of the ant.

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With his photo, Dr.

Although Kavaliauskas didn't win the competition, it captivated many Internet users.

"That's a scary face.

I'm glad they're so small," wrote one user on Twitter.

And another: "Why isn't that a horror movie character?

Why isn't that a Halloween mask?” Another draws a comparison: “It looks like a dragon from House of Dragons.” A parrot with a GoPro provides unforgettable shots.

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Ant photo goes viral - grand prize goes to gecko paws photo

The competition's top prize went to Swedish photographers Grigorii Timin and Michel Milinkovitch, who captured a stunning fluorescent image of the front paw of a Madagascar giant day gecko embryo.

They used 63x magnification to document the tiny veins and bones of the paw.

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