The Limited Times

There are 48,714 new cases, 120 deaths. 16.38% positivity rate

10/25/2022, 2:51:01 PM

Monday was 14.44% (ANSA) There are 48,714 new cases of Covid-19 registered in the last 24 hours, compared to 11,606 yesterday, according to the daily update of the Ministry of Health. The victims are 120 against 39 yesterday. The positivity rate is 16.38% (yesterday it was 14.44%). The molecular and antigenic swabs performed were 297,268 against 80,319 the previous day.

There are 48,714 new cases of Covid-19 registered in the last 24 hours, compared to 11,606 yesterday, according to the daily update of the Ministry of Health.

The victims are 120 against 39 yesterday.

The positivity rate is 16.38% (yesterday it was 14.44%).

The molecular and antigenic swabs performed were 297,268 against 80,319 the previous day.