The Limited Times

In the National Assembly, the difficult initiation of young deputies

10/26/2022, 6:45:24 PM

STORY - During night sessions, it is not uncommon to see parliamentarians leaf through the rules of procedure.

A late October evening in the Hemicycle.

The president of the session, the MoDem deputy Élodie Jacquier-Laforge, has just made a mistake: she had two amendments voted out of order.

Confused, she turns to the bailiffs and tries to fix her mistake.

The parliamentarians of the Nupes, not very conciliatory, howled with scandal.

In the middle of the cauldron, the deputies of the majority are disillusioned.

Some, among the newcomers, are even frankly overwhelmed.

"I'm completely lost, what's going on, actually?"

questions, half-amused half-anxious, a young member of the majority, looking at her neighbor.

"I don't really know, I don't know everything yet

," replied the latter, elected like her for the first time in June 2022.

Since the beginning of this new legislature, this kind of scene punctuates the sessions.

And for good reason: many deputies are discovering the various workings and numerous rules of the Assembly.

It's what you have to follow.

“Everything is going very quickly, we have an interest…

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