The Limited Times

Iran protests: Joko and Klaas make their Instagram accounts available to activists "forever".

10/26/2022, 7:21:14 PM

Iran protests: Joko and Klaas make their Instagram accounts available to activists "forever". Created: 2022-10-26 21:16 By: Bedrettin Bölükbasi TV presenters Joko and Klaas want to support the demonstrations in Iran with their Instagram reach. (Archive image) © F. Kern/Future Image/Imago Joko and Klaas want to strengthen the voice of the Iranian demonstrators. For this they are now leaving the

Iran protests: Joko and Klaas make their Instagram accounts available to activists "forever".

Created: 2022-10-26 21:16

By: Bedrettin Bölükbasi

TV presenters Joko and Klaas want to support the demonstrations in Iran with their Instagram reach.

(Archive image) © F. Kern/Future Image/Imago

Joko and Klaas want to strengthen the voice of the Iranian demonstrators.

For this they are now leaving their Instagram accounts to two activists.

Munich – 40 days ago, 22-year-old Iranian Mahsa Amini died at the hands of the regime's "moral police".

Since then, the Iranian people have been demonstrating against the country's religious leaders.

The protests are getting bigger and spreading to more and more cities.

Despite the Ukraine war, Iran is gradually becoming the focus of international attention.

The television presenters Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf now want to make a contribution themselves and ensure that the voice of the Iranian demonstrators is heard by as many people as possible.

To do this, they make use of their Instagram reach and leave their accounts to two Iranian activists - "forever".

Iran demonstrations: At Joko and Klaas, two activists describe the situation in the country

In the program "Joko and Klaas against ProSieben" the two entertainers duel with ProSieben.

If they win, they get 15 minutes of airtime to use as they please.

This time it was about the demonstrations in Iran.

After a video sequence that was supposed to illuminate the current situation in the strictly governed country, Joko and Klaas interviewed the activists Azam Jangravi and Sarah Ramini.

Jangravi stressed that the vice squad could arrest women without reason.

Iranian women have no control over their own bodies or clothing.

In Iran, wearing a headscarf is compulsory.

"Iranian women have been fighting for their basic rights for 43 years," Jangravi explained.

The demonstrations now meant "hope of life" for them.

They would show that there is still hope.

Unlike Jangravi, Ramani did not show her face to protect her identity as well as her family.

She underlined that she is still in contact with people in Iran and is spreading information that she receives from these people.

She also drew attention to the limited internet access in the country.

In addition, state television would spread the propaganda that everything was "quiet and under control".

Therefore, she uses her platform "to make the truth heard".

Iran demonstrations: Joko and Klaas are giving away Instagram accounts to activists

Joko and Klaas have probably set the same goal.

They now want to support the protests in Iran in a special way.

After the short interviews with the women, Klaas announced that they would give away their Instagram accounts to Jangravi and Ramani.

In this way, the activists should be able to inform as many people as possible about the demonstrations.

After all, global attention is important.

At the end of the show, a video was shown showing how all posts on Joko and Klaas' accounts were previously deleted.

After the announcement by the TV presenters, ProSieben also spoke up and described the campaign on Twitter as "incredibly strong".

The broadcaster commented: "To be visible.

To make visible what is happening in Iran.

To show us all the truth.”


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