The Limited Times

Ex-stewardess reveals: Five behaviors of passengers who don't go at all

10/27/2022, 8:09:23 AM

Ex-stewardess reveals: Five behaviors of passengers who don't go at all Created: 10/26/2022, 10:35 am By: Franziska Kaindl As a passenger, it is important to show consideration for the crew. Because some behavior disturbs the crew considerably at work. When passengers feel a little too much at home on board, it's not only annoying for fellow passengers, but also for the crew. As a former stewa

Ex-stewardess reveals: Five behaviors of passengers who don't go at all

Created: 10/26/2022, 10:35 am

By: Franziska Kaindl

As a passenger, it is important to show consideration for the crew.

Because some behavior disturbs the crew considerably at work.

When passengers feel a little too much at home on board, it's not only annoying for fellow passengers, but also for the crew.

As a former stewardess reported in an article on the Canadian portal


, certain behaviors drive the crew downright crazy – even if they are perhaps not meant in a bad way.

Stretch your feet out into the aisle

Do you sometimes stretch your legs when you have an aisle seat on the plane?

According to ex-flight attendant Madeline Forsyth, this isn't a good idea: "I get it... flights are long and there's not a lot of leg room," she says in her post.

However, this can also be painful.

"Not only can crew members and other passengers trip over you, but it's also difficult for flight attendants to see over the food and drink trolleys, so you run the risk of being hit by one of those heavy trolleys." The best way for passengers to stretch their legs between service times is to take a short walk on the plane.

Passengers shouldn't stretch their legs too far into the aisle, as a former flight attendant says (icon image).

© Matej Kastelic/Imago

Stay in the galley

The crew prepares meals and stores most of the items in the aircraft's galley.

Therefore, according to Forsyth, it is particularly annoying for the crew members when passengers decide to have a little chat in it - usually they unnecessarily get in the way of the crew.

Although she understands that passengers need exercise on long flights, they should not spend long periods in the galley to do so.

Unload your own rubbish with the crew

Depending on the length of the flight, the crew will stop by at least once to collect the rubbish from the passengers.

According to Forsyth, this is the perfect opportunity to get rid of soiled napkins, handkerchiefs or empty snack bags.

The flight attendants would then have their equipment with them and would wear gloves.

However, the crew members are not particularly happy when passengers try to get rid of their garbage on another occasion.

“Nobody wants to touch other people's dirty napkins or handkerchiefs.

I've had a used diaper handed to me before," Forsyth said.

If you can't wait any longer, you should politely ask where the rubbish can be thrown away.

"It's a nicer gesture than handing him the trash straight away and expecting him to take care of it."

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Get up before the plane is parked

It's an image you may be familiar with: as soon as the plane has landed and is taxiing to its parking lot, the first few passengers are already jumping up to look for their suitcases.

That, too, has its dangers, as Forsyth warns: “Should the plane make a sudden turn or stop, you could fall and possibly land on other people as well.

And if you opened the luggage compartment, the luggage could fall onto the passengers sitting below.” That is why she advises passengers to simply wait until the plane has parked – the doors would not open before that anyway and it would not save much time either.

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Take off your shoes during the flight

Some passengers like to kick off their shoes on the plane and feel at home.

However, the ex-flight attendant does not consider this to be very considerate towards the other passengers and the crew.

"Trust me, no one wants to smell their feet the entire journey."