The Limited Times

Female managers in particular are committed to diversity

10/27/2022, 5:03:30 PM

Female managers are more committed to diversity - but they don't get laurels for it Created: 10/27/2022, 7:00 p.m By: Carina Blumenroth A US study shows that women are more committed to diversity in the company than men. But it is not written down anywhere. Women have a different leadership style than men – for example, women are seen as more empathetic, while men are seen as more confident. A

Female managers are more committed to diversity - but they don't get laurels for it

Created: 10/27/2022, 7:00 p.m

By: Carina Blumenroth

A US study shows that women are more committed to diversity in the company than men.

But it is not written down anywhere.

Women have a different leadership style than men – for example, women are seen as more empathetic, while men are seen as more confident.

A study from the USA now shows further differences between female and male leadership styles.

Female leaders are more committed to diversity.

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Female managers are more likely to promote diversity

Compared to male managers, women should be more involved in the well-being of employees.

Likewise, women are more likely to promote diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) in the company, according to a recent study by

Lean In


These are qualities that ensure the satisfaction of the employees, but they are often not officially recorded anywhere.


women in leadership positions

40 percent

40 percent of the female managers surveyed say in the study that their work in the areas of diversity, equality and inclusion is not recognized in the company.

Women are said to deal with the issues about twice as often as male managers.

As the study shows, women are also more likely to stand up for these values ​​in their professional lives, because if diversity, equality and inclusion were not lived in the company, women in management positions were one and a half times more likely to quit their jobs than male colleagues.

They lead the change to an inclusive, supportive workplace.

This is what the next generation of workers want.

What young women in particular want and expect from the workplace.

Women in the workplace 2022

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Attract female employees with work culture

If women are to be filled in management positions, it is important that the work culture is diverse and that the company is generally open to these issues.

This also helps to find new employees, as explained in the US study.

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Obstacles to diversity are leaders

In a panel last autumn, experts from Germany reported on diversity in companies.

Birgit Bohle, Deutsche Telekom Board Member for Human Resources and Legal Affairs, said the following, as reported by


: "Diversity only gets better if we make various decisions about filling management roles." Changes would have to come from "above" so that this can affect company could transfer.

It's about more than women in management positions, it's a topic that some are aware of, but that needs to be developed further.