The Limited Times

Government, sprint for undersecretaries, on Monday the CDM

10/27/2022, 7:04:03 PM

Towards Terzi to Foreign Affairs, Sixtus to Justice and Valentini to Mise (ANSA) Giorgia Meloni will complete the government team on Monday. The attempt to close before the weekend did not go through, it will take a couple of more days to compose a picture that will satisfy all the coalition partners, after days of close negotiations, not yet fully concluded. Then the Council of Ministers will finally meet for the appointment of deputy ministers and undersecretaries (they shou

Giorgia Meloni will complete the government team on Monday.

The attempt to close before the weekend did not go through, it will take a couple of more days to compose a picture that will satisfy all the coalition partners, after days of close negotiations, not yet fully concluded.

Then the Council of Ministers will finally meet for the appointment of deputy ministers and undersecretaries (they should then be sworn in on Friday 4 November), preceded Saturday by a preparatory meeting, also for the decrees necessary to change the denomination of some ministries.

In the last 24 hours, contacts between the center-right parties have continued, with the FdI emissaries committed to resolving the last knots.

And in the evening, the premier received the President of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa, and the ministers Francesco Lollobrigida and Luca Ciriani, her loyalists, at Palazzo Chigi.

    Among the entries of FdI, it is said in the circles of the majority, are also expected

Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata as Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Marcello Gemmato at Salute, Wanda Ferro at the Viminale, as well as Edmondo Cirielli.

Forza Italia should eventually get two deputy ministers and six undersecretaries, including the one for publishing, Alberto Barachini.

A deputy minister should be Francesco Paolo Sisto of Justice, where another chair is planned for Andrea Delmastro (FdI).

The second one between Valentino Valentini (at Mise) and Paolo Barelli (at the Interior, where the league pushes for Nicola Molteni).

    Among the blues elbowing, for example a place

Fulvio Martusciello and Matilde Siracusano are played.

The Mef also goes towards the definition, with

Maurizio Leo (FdI)

deputy minister and three undersecretaries,

Maurizio Casasco (FI), Alessandro Colucci (We moderates) and the Northern League player Massimo Bitonci,

who would take the place of party colleague Federico Freni, for whom a role of

deputy minister is looming, probably at Mise.

That box, however, is precisely contested by FI.

The blue Matteo Perego di Cremnago should find space among the Undersecretaries for Defense.

In the relations with the Parliament they will have an undersecretary at the head of the FI and Lega.

    At the Infrastructure it seems made for

Edoardo Rixi (Lega), who could be joined by Giuseppe Mangialavori (FI).

The League, burned by not having the Minister of Agriculture, wants to preside over the dicastery with one between Marzio Liuni, Mario Lolini and Lorenzo Viviani, and Luca De Carlo (FdI) should be among the undersecretaries.

For education we are talking about Rossano Sasso (Lega) and Valentina Aprea (FI), while the former Northern League player Massimo Garavaglia can aspire to the presidency of the Senate Industry Committee.

    Meanwhile, the ministers begin to appoint the heads of the cabinet.

    Salvini has chosen

Alfredo Storto, that of the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio is Alberto Rizzo, to Tourism Daniela Santanchè has appointed Erika Guerri and to Sport Andrea Abodi Massimiliano Atelli.