The Limited Times

Not only Kanye: the stars who lost millions because of unfortunate statements - voila! celebs

10/27/2022, 9:03:46 PM

The controversial rapper has become the poster boy for harsh consequences following even harsher statements, but the truth is that he's not the first to lose millions by spreading hate

Not only Kanye: the stars who lost millions because of unfortunate statements

The controversial rapper has become the poster boy for harsh consequences that follow even harsher statements, but the truth is that he is not the first to lose millions by spreading hate, anti-Semitism and inappropriate behavior.


Celebs remember




Thursday, October 27, 2022, 11:52 p.m

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Kanye West (photo: screenshot, Instagram)

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the last week was all about

Kanye West


True, there are elections in just a moment, the maritime border agreement has been signed and the weather is horrible, but voila!

Celebs couldn't take their eyes off the troubled rapper, who burned every bridge he ever crossed with impressive methodicality.

Although everything was painted in West tones, he was not the first to lose jobs, contracts and millions of dollars due to unfortunate statements.

In fact, he is in good company there in Hollywood, but don't worry: there have been several such cases in Israel as well.

Cut, save and especially close.

The leak that cost him: Ben El Tabori

Ben El Tabori (photo: screenshot, Instagram)

Last August, the entire country was exposed to the ugly battle between Ben El Tabori and Ortel Amr.

In the leaked recordings, Tabori can be heard slapping the mother with harsh and violent statements, that we will spare you.

The reactions of the two were not long in coming, everyone was shocked by the harsh words and the dominoes began to fall one after another.

Initially, "Strauss" shelved Tabori and Static's campaign, after it had already been filmed.

After that, the company announced that it was cutting ties with the young singer.

We haven't had time to burn sage to clear the air yet, and the beloved duo announced their breakup.

good to know (in advance)

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No longer the crowd favorite: Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods after winning the Masters tournament (Photo: GettyImages)

In 2009, the polished image of

Tiger Woods

, one of the greatest athletes in the world and an enviable family man, was completely shattered.

This piñata was full of booze, cheating and lies, and cost quite a bit of money.

The New York Post estimated that Woods lost an income of 180 million dollars a year because of the scandals in which he was involved.

He went through a lot of treatments and even made a sports comeback, but the income was never the same again.

In 2009 he brought in 110 million dollars, and in 2016 less than half of the amount.

Not enough to make us heartbroken.

Shook America: Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen (Photo: GettyImages)

Just like Kanye West,

Charlie Sheen

was also a ticking bomb.

When the countdown ended, the explosion was spectacular and painful.

Over the years, the actor was involved in several questionable incidents that mainly involved drugs, alcohol and porn actresses.

In 2009 he was arrested on suspicion of assaulting another person.

Later, Sheen attacked Chuck Lowry, the creator of the series "Two and a Half Men", and peppered in some anti-Semitic statements.

He was fired from the series, in which he earned about two million dollars per episode.

Had he lasted until she left the small screen, Sheen would have added another $168 million to his bank account.

Do you know how much cocaine you can buy with that amount?

And I was wrong: Orna Banai

Orna Banai (Photo: Nir Pekin)

Okay, it's not about the millions of dollars lost, but what if!

Celebs had a dollar for every discussion held around

Orna Banai

's words , she must have been a millionaire.

The summer of 2014 was particularly bloody.

Operation "Tzuk Eitan" was conducted in the Gaza Strip, half the country was under missile attacks and Banai gave an interview in which she came out against the conduct of the political echelon, and criticized the incitement to violence among the Israeli public.

The Mano Shipping company, whose announcements Banai broadcasts on the radio, issued a statement and explained that in light of the statements, it is releasing Banai from his position.

Well, you can always indulge in kayaking.

Hates everyone: Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson (Photo: Splash)

It is impossible to close the list without mentioning

Mel Gibson

, the man who hates women, Jews, Latinos and African Americans equally.

In 2006, the actor was arrested after driving drunk, and claimed that "the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world. Several years later, the actress (The Jew, Mind You)

Winona Ryder

, who, while working together, Gibson called her derogatory names that referred to the burning of Jews in the Holocaust.

Later, his former partner told that he used to beat her, and published a recording in which Gibson tells her "I wish a bunch of blacks would rape you". And you claim that there are no worthy bachelors out there.

Ari Emanuel, a Jewish businessman and one of the most powerful men in Hollywood, called for Gibson to cancel back in 2006. Despite the reputation His suffered a fatal injury, and he was blacklisted in Hollywood, he returned to work and his film "The Reluctant" was nominated for six Oscars.

  • celebs

  • native


  • Kanye West

  • Ben El-Tavori

  • Orna Banai

  • Tiger Woods