The Limited Times

Women's PSG: the delicate management of the return of Kheira Hamraoui

10/27/2022, 3:28:29 PM

Decided by the club, the presence of the midfielder in the Parisian group offers coach Gérard Prêcheur a sporting solution of more

“All our choices are guided by the athlete.

The words of the sports director of the women's section of PSG, Angelo Castellazzi, spoken in our columns last week, were highlighted by Gérard Prêcheur on Wednesday evening in Madrid.

On the lawn of Real, the coach sees his proteges get bogged down and let slip two new precious points in the race for qualification in the Champions League.

In the 76th minute, he made his second change of the game: exit of midfielder Oriane Jean-François, entry of Kheira Hamraoui in the same position.

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