The Limited Times

Case of the "fadettes": Elisabeth Borne follows the opinion of the CSM which clears two magistrates of the PNF

10/28/2022, 8:45:45 PM

This decision puts an end to the proceedings initiated by Éric Dupond-Moretti, when he had been targeted, as a lawyer, by telephone records ("fadettes") ordered by these magistrates.

Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne decided to "

follow the opinion of the Superior Council of the Judiciary

" which considered that there was "


need " to sanction two magistrates of the national financial prosecutor's office suspected of "


" in the affair of the "fadettes".

The decision, which fell to the head of government, balances the proceedings initiated by the Keeper of the Seals Eric Dupond-Moretti shortly after his entry into the government when he had been targeted as a lawyer by telephone records ("fadettes" ) ordered by these magistrates in an instruction, which has now earned him prosecution for "

illegal taking of interest
