The Limited Times

Inflation: not just energy and flights, it's expensive butter and rice

10/29/2022, 12:52:02 PM

Unc, the top 40 of price increases, in the lead energy on the free market (ANSA)  Not only record prices for energy and flights, with the international ones that in a year mark + 113.2% , the rush of inflation increasingly impacts on the shopping cart with butter, sugar, rice at the top due to increases. If the energy of the free market marks record after record with the price that quadruples (+ 329%) compared to October 2021, in the top 40 - drawn up by the National Consumers

 Not only record prices for energy and flights, with the international ones that in a year mark + 113.2%

, the rush of inflation increasingly impacts on the shopping cart with

butter, sugar, rice at the top due to increases.

If the energy of the free market marks record after record with the price that quadruples (+ 329%) compared to October 2021, in the top 40 - drawn up by the National Consumers Union - oil other than olive oil rises strongly, which with + 56.1% wins for food.

Followed by butter, second for food with + 42.9% Then sugar (+ 35.9% on October 2021) and rice (+ 30.6%). 

"We ask that the Meloni government postpone the end of the expiry date of the protected gas market scheduled for January 1, 2023, just 2 months, and that it also intervene on the electricity market, given that for micro-enterprises it expires on January 1, 2023. In a moment of crazy prices need to maintain both the role of single Buyer and of Arera, for the setting of reference prices, a function that, as shown by the gap between the free and the protected, is fundamental "says

Massimiliano Dona, president of the National Consumers Union .

If you broaden your search range, slalom between the aisles of supermarkets, it is difficult to find something that is not at risk of stinging.

This is the case not only of


(+ 15.9%) but also of

preserved milk

(+ 29.4%),


(+ 28.2%),

fresh vegetables

(+ 25.1%),


(+ 23.7%).

Not to mention

pasta (fresh, dry and pasta preparations), which marks + 22.5%, eggs (+ 18.7%), fresh partially skimmed milk (+ 18.3%), poultry (+ 18%), frozen vegetables (+ 15.3%) and fresh whole milk (+ 14.8%).

"Not only does inflation not slow down its run, but it accelerates exponentially, with a jump of 3.5% in just a month, which in terms of the increase in the cost of living means a sting on an average equal family - he notes. Donate again - at 975 euros on an annual basis, 107 for food and drinks, 874 for homes, electricity and fuels. , 2016 for the home, 761 for eating and drinking ", concludes the president of the National Consumers Union.

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