The Limited Times

"To give and to change": in video, Alice Detollenaere shaves the head of Camille Lacourt on the occasion of Pink October

10/31/2022, 5:11:28 PM

The former world swimming champion voluntarily got rid of his hair in support of cancer patients: his locks of hair will indeed be used to make wigs.

It is a strong image for the fight against cancer.

The five-time world and European swimming champion Camille Lacourt has voluntarily shed her blond mane.

It is with the help of his companion Alice Detollenaere that the sportsman completely shaved his head in front of the camera, once all his locks were cut.

These will be used to make wigs for people with cancer.

Read alsoDoctors, operations, anxiety … Alice Detollenaere and Camille Lacourt tell their fight against breast cancer

The images were published in an Instagram video on the account of the ex-Miss Bourgogne 2010, Friday October 28, as part of an action in support of the annual Pink October campaign, which raises women's awareness of breast cancer screening. breast.

The couple is particularly attached to this cause, since the discovery a few years ago of Alice Detollenaere's breast cancer.

In January 2020, the young woman had her left breast removed, then the right breast in February 2022 to prevent a potential recurrence.

Since then, she regularly shares prevention messages and stresses the need to get tested.

"It's not a freakout but a well-considered desire, and which comes to close in a symbolic way for us this month of Pink October", thus confirms in the caption of her post the one who is now a model, and who has also donated her hair in the past.

“We don't always have the opportunity, as cancer support, to be able to be an actor in events.

So it feels good to do it!”, she writes about Camille Lacourt, who supports her in her fight.

“Are you doing it because you want to take your hair off?

To give them?

can we hear him ask his companion, who then answers with a smile: “Both.

Because I want to give, but I also want to change.

This is a good opportunity to change”.

"It's because she forced me!", He then teasingly says, facing the camera.

"Oh no not at all!", She defends herself, although she recognizes that her relatives have "all had the ball to Z" because of her.

This action did not fail to surprise Jazz, the swimmer's daughter, born of her previous union with the former Miss of France Valérie Bègue, when the latter revealed the result to her by FaceTime.

“She is shocked, she does not know what to say,” he notes, amused.

Camille Lacourt is also the proud father of a little Marius, born in 2021, from his relationship with Alice Detollenaere.

In video, six tips to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, the deadliest in women